"Through The Lands''

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It was Emily, she looked completely unscathed along with her coaches, even Brandon and Austin were okay. Emily looked sad, she just looked at Thomas. She told us that she was at Maron Station waiting for her passengers when the earthquake occurred, she left a few workmen behind as they couldn't get into the coaches in time. Alright, it been half a hour, its about time we go now isn't it. We sped down the line towards Vicarstown, Tidmoth almost threw up because how fast we were going. Thomas had to stop because he was not risking the chance of blowing up. But Emily didn't stop, she yelled ''KEEP GOING!" as she shot past us. What the heck are Brandon and Austin doing they are going to get themselves killed?! When we arrived at Kellsthorpe Road it was completely a mess, it looked like it was hit by the earthquake hard. Tidmoth volunteered to look inside the building for some food or water, it been 3 minutes and Tidmoth found some lays they were pretty stale but either way they tasted pretty good. We were focused of thinking how to find more survivors, we didn't noticed a another engine puff beside us. We were never expecting to see Rebecca. She looked depressed and didn't want to talk much, but beside that. She said that she was at Vicarstown Station and raced all the way here. As She left, she heard some screams from the sheds. She couldn't tell it was but she guessed it might had been Neville or Dennis. We didn't stick around very long. We went back down the line and finally arrived at Killdane, Henry and James were also there. They looked horrified! 


 They looked horrified!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...

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Both engines were shocked to see us, but were happy nonetheless. We quickly questioned them and Henry revealed that he was pulling flying kipper. He passed by Murdoch who was running from something, that's when the earthquake occurred. Henry raced down the main line as fast as he could. He passed by Cronk and heard Nia screaming in pain. He shut his eyes preparing to be hit by the shockwave until Killdane came into view. A few minutes later James rolled in and looked scared. Michael and Ted went into the station to look for more supplies just then they screamed in horror as a knife flew out of the station building nearly stabbing Henry and James. Soon the ground began to rumble. Michael and Ted ran towards Henry and quickly began to steam him up. But his boiler had ran dry, Henry soon began leaking steam and screamed in pain. He look towards James and yelled from him to help, but he just sat there filled with fear. I knew too well what was going to happen and quickly set Thomas into reverse. Thomas whistled at James to run but that didn't work. Michael and Ted tried to run away, however it was too late and Henry boiler exploded. His boiler erupted into a huge fireball!

 His boiler erupted into a huge fireball!

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 Boiler tubes and boiling hot steam was sent everyone killing Michael and Ted in the process

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 Boiler tubes and boiling hot steam was sent everyone killing Michael and Ted in the process. Once the dust settled we saw Rebecca running away before anyone could stop her. We stayed at Killdane for quite some time the mourn the losses. A tear fell down my cheek as I looked at Michael and Ted corpses. We couldn't spare much from Henry due to his heat. When we finally left Thomas hadn't said a word. He remembers the day where he overcame Henry fears of the rain. Even though he can sometimes be arrogant and grumpy he didn't deserve that sort of fate. He truly deserved better. We're not going to bother going inside the ironworks, god knows what can be inside there but take a rest at Hawin Lake. We arrived the aforementioned station. We found Old Bailey there and he said it will be a good idea to escape now when we can't just leave everyone to die. We arrived at Crosby and I backed Thomas into a siding I just hope Rebecca okay, I really do.

 We arrived at Crosby and I backed Thomas into a siding I just hope Rebecca okay, I really do

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