The Chewing Exams (chapter 4 pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

It was then that you finally realized that someone was talking to you.

"Oh, hi iruka." you said while standing up and stretching out your limbs after poking at a scorpion, the albino snake is still around your neck.

The man paused, shocked that you saw through his disguise but didn't say a word as he approached you.

You watched him before nodding at him. No. not at him, but at someone else.

It was then that something was dropped on his shoulder.

He looked to see what it was and gasped when he saw a massive spider sitting on his shoulder before throwing it off him.

Unfortunately, there were more things that were dropped onto him like centipedes, some small garden snakes, and some other fairly dangerous critters.

He ran off, throwing off parts of his clothes while shouting, leaving you along with the bugs and animals and the albino snake.

You reached up around your neck before petting the albino snake on his head as he hissed in pleasure of the pets as your shadow clones dropped from the trees.

One of your clones blew bubbles out of a smoke pipe, wearing a detective hat while the other two looked relatively normal.

You would later learn the names of these clones as Shit Sherlock, queen, and meeseeks.

And every one of you wanted to die.

It had gotten dark, and you were fucking lost.

While your clones were useless in helping you out of the forest, you were also at fault as you were the one who was lost.

You scanned the dark forest while walking with your talkative group of clones and you felt as though you weren't alone.

I mean, duh. You have clones, of course you're not alo-

Something sharp shot out and embedded itself into the shoulder of your bubble blowing clone before making it poo.

"No! Shit Sherlock!!!" you yelled as your clone died- disappeared.

"I was starting to actually like myself!" you said in disappointment before turning to see who murdered you in cold blood.

Before you stood three familiar characters, one of them you immediately recognized the name of.

"Oh shit! It's rock lee, ninenine, and mean blind guy!"

The three stared at you with dotted eyes, unsure of how they should react.

"How do you know my name?" rock lee asked in surprise.

"Duh, everyone knows you. You're, like, the simple king but awesome." your long nailed clone answered for you.

"Yeah, you make the bowl cut look good and you work under gay!" the other clone enthusiastically said.

"It's pronounced guy." you said while petting your new pet snake who you named kaburamaru.

Blind asshole was glaring at you in suspicion and what appeared to be hate.

'Honestly, this guy just hates everybody.' you thought.

The girl of the group stepped forward and introduced/corrected you while rock lee still introduced himself despite you already knowing his name.

"So, what's your name?" you asked neji.

The boy scoffed and turned away from you.

"As if I should tell you." he answered.

"Fine, blind asshole it is." you shrugged.

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