The Chewing Exams (chapter 4 pt. 2)

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"I love you, sensei!!!" Naruto yelled while leaping on to the man and hugging him.

You and the three stooges just got recommended to the chunin exams, and you were not having a good time.

Your mind had been feeling hazy and every now and then you would have these random strikes of pain in your back from when you hit the water back at the waterfall. But since you had the inhumane healing factor along with the total consentration breathing constant, you honestly could not give two flying fucks.

"Hey, (y/n)..."

You were brought out of your thoughts and focused on Kakashi, who stared back at you.

"Hey, if you can't take the chunin exams, you don't have to. I would completely understa-"

"Ok let me stop you there. First off, I'll do it. Second off, stop underestimating me and my ability." you snatched the paper out of his hand and tucked it into the pocket of your haori.

The man lifted an eyebrow at you before shrugging and letting you four go off.

The next day, you guys kinda just did your own thing. You got up early to go on a walk, decided to go and practice the breathing styles for shits and giggles, and then went to look for something to hopefully kill yourself with.

The forest was pretty lively that day, especially with all of the insects and snakes.

A white snake with red eyes was just about to strike a baby rabbit before a hand shot out and grabbed it.

It hissed and turned its head to you but didn't do anything. You let it slither in your hands for a bit before stuffing it into the slayer uniform and digging in the dirt.

The scaly animal slithered around before finally settling itself around your neck enough to be comfortable but not hurt you.

You held a large centipede and a scorpion and played with them for a bit, seeing if you could get a reaction out of them. They only attacked each other but refused to touch you.

When the scorpion's tail accidentally missed the centipede, however, its stinger dug into your flesh.

What came after was silence.

The birds immediately stopped singing and the bugs in your hands stopped squirming. The scorpion looked as though it was trying to shrink as its tail laid beside it in a docile manner.

Even the snake around your neck stopped moving.

You blinked a few times before sighing and placing the bugs down.

Your ear twitched when hearing feet approaching you from behind but opted to just try and ignore them.

Iruka could feel his heart plummet to his stomach for some reason.

The once lively forest just... silenced itself.

The birds that sat near him on a branch looked to be frozen in time as they stared in your general direction.

A fox that was crossing his path also stopped to stare at your hunched form.

This wasn't normal.

When he saw you shift to put something down, the animals silently looked away, going back to their own thing but this time in silence.

Iruka hesitated before deciding to make his appearance as a genin from another village.

"So, you really believe you can become a chunin?" the voice said in a mocking tone behind you.

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