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MIDTERM WEEK IS here, and it's without a doubt the second most stressful week of the semester right after finals

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MIDTERM WEEK IS here, and it's without a doubt the second most stressful week of the semester right after finals.

I'm not stressed. At least I'm refusing to attach the stressed label onto myself, because if I do so then that means I'll succumb to my stressed filled tendencies. I cannot have a breakdown, I cannot second guess myself, and I cannot fail, so therefore, I cannot be stressed.

I just took my anatomy exam and I have no idea how well I've done on it, but I'm not going to linger on the thought. I still have two more exams and I need to focus my energy on them.

I've come to baker's dozen to study more so for the free coffee than the vibes. My usual place of choice would be my room or the library but I'm cramping, exhausted, and need caffeine more than anything.

When I finish the last drop of my cup, I immediately go back up the counter to order another one.

"I'll have your refill for you in just a second," Josh says, "but this is going to have to be your last cup of the day. I can't let my favorite worker have a cardiac arrest on me."

I give him a weary smile. "I know, I know. I just have these notes I need to get through for my exam later."

As Josh goes to the backroom to bring out more coffee cups, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me ma'am, can I get a cup of coffee." The deep voice says.

"Oh, I'm not on the clock right now, you're gonna have to wait-" When I turn around to address the customer, my breath gets caught in my throat. "Theo! What are you doing here?" The surprise leaves in in slight disbelief and I rush him into my arms.

My brother chuckles. "I came to check up on you."

Something about the way he says check up on me slightly rubs me the wrong way. I know he means well, but I can't help my irrational thought of people believing I'm some weak, emotionally fragile thing. Like I need to be hovered over and watched, or else I'll go mad.

"You drove all the way here just to check up on me?" I say.

"Nah, the high school had a tour scheduled today so I just decided to hop on the bus. Thought I'd surprise you. I'm glad I decided to stop here first."

My head reaches his shoulders and when I pull back, I study his face which seems to have gotten more chiseled in the two months since I last saw him.

"What is this?" I make a gagging sound, touching the wispy skin above his lips.

"Stop playing, you know its a mustache." He whacks my hand away.

"You call that a mustache? Looks more like peach fuzz or something."

"Ha-ha." He sarcastically laughs. "Are you going to give me a tour or what?"

I nod, realizing I do need a break from staring at my computer screen for hours.

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