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WE ARRIVE BACK at campus right before twelve

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WE ARRIVE BACK at campus right before twelve. I'm beat after the drive, so much so that I've decided to put off my night workout and spend the night with Summer getting rest instead. I'll make up for it at bootcamp tomorrow.

She's drowsy herself, and has spent the last hour yawning and stopping her head from falling back. It's funny watching her trying to fight the sleep.

"Summer." I move a curl out of her face. "We're here."

"We're here?" She slurs her words, dropping her head back against the window.

"Are you gonna make me carry you to your room? I'll do it, but I can't guarantee we won't fall down and bang against some walls on our way."

She sits up and wipes her eyes. "No, I can walk."

I grab our bags and sling them across both of my shoulders. I have to grab her hand and steer us straight due to her dozing off and almost walking towards the side of the building.

"I don't think I've ever looked so forward to that tiny bed," she says, fumbling to turn the key in her door.

She unlocks it and leans forward then pulls herself back. When she turns to look at me, all the exhaustion is wiped off her face in an instant.

"Do you hear that?" She asks.

I lean forward too and put my ear towards the door. I think I hear what she's talking about, it sounds like someone banging on the wall or something.

"Well, let's check it out." I turn the nob.


Summer tries to stop me, but I've already opened the door and begun walking in.

When I turn the light switch, a deafening high-pitched scream encloses the air. Unfortunately, I look in its direction and expose myself to more of Darren and Aleena than I ever wished to see.

"Shit, I'm sorry." I cover my eyes and close the door while I back away into the hallway.

Summer winces looking at me. "I tried to stop you."

"You didn't try hard enough."

I force my mind to erase the image of Darren's bare ass going down on Aleena. When it's gone, I'm able to look at the situation more clearly.

"They're... they're hooking up in there." I motion towards the door.

"Yeah, I guessed it earlier when she Facetimed me naked and I heard his voice in the background."

"You know what the worst thing is?" I say.


"I don't know if that scream was Darren's or Aleena's."

"It was Darren's." Aleena yells through the door.

Summer leans against the wall and sighs. "So, we go back to your place I'm guessing?"

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