CHAPTER 22: The party

Start from the beginning

Aaron broke the kiss and stared at her face. Without a word, he cleared his throat and led her out.


"Dressed to impress?" Cassiel asked Mara. She was wearing a dark purple dress which suits her eyes.

"I'm still wondering why I'm here with you. How could you have fought with him?" Mara snapped at the guy wearing a black suit looking smoking hot.

"He was the one who came out of nowhere and smashed my head on a fucking mountain" he said.

"He wouldn't have done that.. if you hadn't pretend you were the one who trapped that witch into a well. You even went ahead to trapped him with mountain ashes!"

Cassiel only smiled.

"What the hell were you thinking huh? I thought you are the smartest one!" She said before leaving the room.

Cassiel smiled to himself briefly. "Dracula is more powerful than I thought"

He went to the hall and his eyes dart around while he twirl the glass of wine in his hand. His face suddenly turned cold when it settled on a particular guy.

"How the fuck did he get in here?"


"C'mon let us in. This is our invitation.. Godamit!" Philip yelled show the card to the guard at the entrance.

"I told you that's a fake invitation card.. you should leave mister" the guard replied.

Tiana sighed and held Philip hand but he jerk it away.

"We can't give up.. not now" he said.

"I want to see your general" Philip said.

"Go now or I'll have no choice than to use force" the guard warned.

"Let them in" a strange guy with a mask said behind them. A lady was also beside him with her hand wrapped on his.

"And you are?"

The guy gave the guard his ID and invitation card.

"They are with us" he said.

"Alright go in" the guard said and they all went in.

Philip turned his gaze to the guy who saved them.

"What the hell are you two doing here? Didn't I asked you not to butt in?" Philip said.

Kingsley and Ciara removed their mask.

"You should just say thank you.. I just helped you out" Kingsley said.

"Oh.. Kingsley.. Ciara.. How did you.." Tiana stuttered with shock.

"Kingsley is really good at creating a fake ID.. he's a computer smart ass" Ciara said putting on her green face mask.

"You guys need to leave.. we are dealing with something unimaginable" Philip said.

"Yeah yeah.. we know you're dealing with something Supernatural.. you'll need us.. trust me" Kingsley replied.

"You.." Philip tried to talk but Tiana held him.

"Once you find Scott or Diana.. let us know immediately" Tiana said handing an earphone to each of them.


"Just let them be" Tiana said.

"Thank you Mrs Tiana.. you're the best" Kingsley grinned before leaving. Ciara only smiled and left too.

"Where did you get the extra ear phones?" Philip asked.

"I just bought them in case.. beside those two would be able to move freely, unlike us. They'll be fine" she said then tap her earphone.

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