Chapter 8

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"We will let you know of the result of the assessment," Cedric told me, holding out his hand. I looked at it and he broke into a laugh before offering a slight bow.

"Everyone, stay," Petros Saint ordered. He held my gaze as I prepared to leave. "We will meet again, Aster."

I nodded, catching Mertha's watchful gaze. Glinda simply looked away, perhaps still a little embarrassed that I witnessed her grand desire.

"I hope to explore more of your very enthralling ability, Aster," Cedric spoke again, escorting me to the elevator doors.

The doors opened, revealing Harald Evensen inside, a knowing smile on his lips. "Good day, Mr Corey," I said instead, stepping into the elevator. Never in my life had I imagined I'd choose to be trapped in a little room with Harald Evensen, but there I was, desperate to be alone with him.

"Harald," Cedric greeted the man with a nod. A look of familiarity passed between them. Not friends, but two people who tolerated each other because it was beneficial for their business.

"Cedric," Harald greeted back before pressing the button to close the doors.

Once out of sight, I leaned against the wall. I felt every inch of my flesh in flames. Sweat ran down my temple and down my neck. The elevator came to a halt and Harald's form hovered above me. I felt his hand on my forehead. I tried to brush it away, failed because my arms weighed like a log.

I heard the pop of his gold case and I shook my head. "N-No."

"You'll die if you don't take this," he said, voice almost sounding concerned. "You've used a lot of your energy back there." His finger pushed the pill through my lips.

My eyes closed as I felt the flames die down, the thudding in my chest slowed, and the noise ebb away. His hand closed around my arm, keeping me steady.

When I opened my eyes again, I swallowed. He stepped away, pocketing his gold case. "What is that?"

He smiled down at me. "Put yourself together. Your friends are waiting below," he said instead, pushing the button again.

"They're not friends," I said as I wiped my temple dry with one hand while the other dug into my pocket to hold my crux. Its warmth held me steady, its connection to my power licking through my veins while I recovered.

"Good. They're not."

I blinked at him through the mirrored doors. His eyes stared back at me with answers to questions I could not begin to ask.

"They're people you should be careful of," he said, voice low.

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I straightened and squared my shoulders. "They'll find out about the pills."

"Because of the halo?" He shook his head. "They won't."

"What makes you certain?"

"The halo can't record what you've seen or heard, only your emotions. It recognizes other halos you have come in contact with, but that's it. It's not perfect." He looked down at me, his face austere. "But maybe that will change soon."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say they're looking for ways to make the halo more useful."

"What does it have to do with me—" I stopped and clenched my jaw. "They've been studying me."

"For two centuries. You and your gift."

I pursed my lips. "The bloody bastards."

A smile broke his face. "I never thought I'd miss hearing you say those words." He faced the doors again, a smile still pasted on his scarred mouth. "We'll have a lot to talk about, but not now. Not here. We can't be seen together."

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