Chapter twelve!

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"What do you mean he won't come out? We're late and it should be alarming because it's coming from me," Jaemin says, he allows himself to let out a small laugh at his own joke. He really is funny, hilarious even, too bad Doyoung does not share the same opinion.

"Damn, not even a lil chuckle?" Jaemin awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

Doyoung doesn't even try to entertain the younger and opts for a plain stare.

"Do I look like I want to cachinnate, Weirdo four?" He slowly punctuates.

Catchi—what, what? Whatever that means, Jaemin doesn't want to be the receiving end of that. The young alpha immediately straightens his back and executes a perfect soldier's salute gesture.

"N-no sir!" he shouts.

Doyoung does his best to ignore the younger's antics, he runs a hand on his face and points behind the raven haired, tired.

"I give you one minute to go," He sighs,

One minute?! Jaemin clasps his hands together and breathes out in relief. It's actually more than the last time, Doyoung is getting quite generous!

"Thank you, good sir! Have a good day, I'll be on my way,"

"Weirdo one won't be coming!" he hears Doyoung yell as he runs for his life.

"Ning Yizuo..", Teacher Do calls, when he notice the girl slouched behind her textbook, he sighs, "Kim Dahmee, wake Student Ning please"

Kim Damhee nods with a sheepish smile, she was getting a little sleepy herself, she is glad teacher Do didn't notice. The girl's gaze travels toward her classmate. Poor girl, she doesn't know what is coming for her..She shakes the alpha's shoulder softly, "Ning, teacher Do caught you..", at the words; Yizuo immediately jolts in fear "He what?!"She shrieks, collecting laughs from her classmates.

"Last warning..." Teacher Do mutters, his eyes never leaving the paper. He doesn't have to look to know that Ningning is frantically nodding, without waiting any longer, the man goes back the scanning the list of students, "Kang Dohyun,"


"Lee Donghyuck"


Teacher Do looks up from his attendance checklist. Students look around the class in search of their honey haired classmate. Of course, they did notice that their class' sun was late, the lack of noise and extra cheerful atmosphere was a clear indication that he was not present. However, they actually thought that even if he was to arrive later, he would still come to class as always. Now that the first period has started, they think that they might not be right for once...

"Is student Lee Donghyuck not coming?" Teacher Do asks the class.

Along with the others, Yizuo shakes her head in denial.

"We don't know sir," Kwon Haneul responds, "Maybe I can text him!" Yizuo proposes, the device already in hands.

"It won't be necessary student Ning," Teacher Do cuts making Yizuo deflate instantly. The teacher shakes his head and continues to call out his students.

Ningning pouts and slouches on her chair. Too bad Teacher Do didn't fall for it, she could have used it to finish streaming Shinee's performance. She wonders if it is the reason why Donghyuck is late. He was more than alright last time they spoke so it must be the reason. The alpha nods to herself. Yes it has to be the only reason, knowing that he used to do it in the past it only makes sense!

The girl nudges the sleeping boy next to her.

"Psst Renjun psst,"

Renjun's body does respond, the problem is that despite that, he still remains asleep. What the alpha understands is that Renjun is asking for a Ning special wake up call, class edition. Yizuo cutely frowns in concentration. She has to be careful, it is a professional matter guys. She discreetly takes her ruler from her bag and starts to nudge the beta. How is he still able to sleep?! Ningning can't help but wonder. She must say that she is impressed by how the beta mastered the art of sleeping in class. He really should teach her one day...