Chapter 73

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Shen Qiqi slowly raised her hand and gently patted her head.

"I know," she said.

Strands of fresh blood flowed down her pale fingertips and splattered onto Liu Shuang's cheek.

Liu Shuang knelt on the ground, holding Shen Qiqi's back, staring at her with red eyes, clutching her hand and desperately trying to transfer her energy, but it was all in vain.

Blood, unstoppable blood, gushed out of the wound and soaked the yellowish clothes, like a chaotic bouquet of red flowers, dazzling and decadent, as if it would wither and die tomorrow.

Shen Qiqi's eyes gradually dimmed and she smiled helplessly.

Her vision became dark, and she could hardly see anything.

The taste of salt and rust rose up from her throat as Shen Qiqi struggled to speak, her voice soft as falling snow.

"I was going to let you destroy the Heavenly Dao," she said softly. "But I couldn't bear it."

Liu Shuang trembled and lifted her head.

Shen Qiqi slowly blinked her eyes and smiled like a fox.

"If you found out it was you, who killed me with your own hands, it would be very painful," she said. "So, let me do it myself."

After finishing speaking, Shen Qiqi sighed and complained like a spoiled child, "Ah... talking is so tiring."

Liu Shuang held onto her tightly, with bloodshot eyes, and trembling lips said, "Don't talk anymore."

Shen Qiqi shook her head.

She looked up and felt the power inside her gradually dissipating, the pain becoming lighter, and she felt as if she was floating on a cloud.

At that moment, she was a little bewildered, not knowing what to do.

She never thought she would die one day, without any flashbacks or memories, only a strong sense of unwillingness.

Suddenly, something cold dropped gently on her face.

... Was it raining?

Shen Qiqi tried to move her fingers but found that she couldn't even do that simple movement.

She opened her mouth, feeling anxious, as if there wasn't much time left.

"I'm dying

The earth shook violently, and a huge vortex appeared in the sky. The gray sky looked like a panicked and angry face, and a continuous stream of hurricanes rushed out of the vortex, like knives slashing across the face.

The world collapsed, and all things withered. Dust and sand obscured the sun, while thunder and lightning raged.

Immortals ran in all directions, trying to escape, but were blown away by the strong wind. They cried out frantically, "The gods have abandoned us..."

In the midst of the chaos of impending destruction, Liu Shuang hung her head, and Shen Qiqi, whom she held in her arms, still had her eyes open. Her gray pupils reflected a blood-red sky. She saw her move her lips as if she had something to say.

Tears flowed down her cheeks, and Liu Shuang bent down to listen to Shen Qiqi's faint voice in her ear. "...Before, I promised to tell you a secret."

"Don't say it!" She suddenly tightened her grip on Shen Qiqi's wrist, a desperate anger mixed with self-deception. "Don't say it now, tell me later."

In fact, Shen Qiqi could no longer hear her voice.

She chose to keep talking to herself. "I, in fact, am the author of this book."

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now