Chapter 49

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Liu Shuang glanced at the black eagle, pulled back her hand, and calmly asked, "Where did this come from?"

Shen Qiqi smirked and said, "I don't know. It won't tell me. But I feel like... it's always been by my side!"


Shen Qiqi continued, "Remember the promotion test competition? When it was over, Xiao Wen cheated and this black eagle used some black mist to save me."

Liu Shuang's eyes flickered. "I remember."

Shen Qiqi scratched her head and smiled again. "And when we encountered the mirage turtle before, we were also saved by this mist. So I suspect... someone is protecting me in secret."

Liu Shuang paused. "Do you know who it is?"

"I don't, but I want to keep it a secret for her." Shen Qiqi lowered her voice and leaned in close. "Don't tell anyone else. I'll say that this mist is my magic treasure, but it's not. This person should have been by my side all along, but can't reveal their identity." Her eyes were bright and her tone was serious, as if she truly believed that Liu Shuang wouldn't reveal it to anyone.

Liu Shuang looked at her and said, "Do you want to know who she is?"

Shen Qiqi didn't hesitate. "Yes!"

"What will you do after you find out?" Liu Shuang asked.

Shen Qiqi thought for a moment and said seriously, "I want to thank her properly! She saved me twice, she's my savior."

Liu Shuang looked at her deeply. "Yes, that's the right thing to do."

"But... Senior sister, what do you think this person looks like? Are they male or female? Are they good-looking?" Shen Qiqi furrowed her brow and said, "I don't know what they like, but I want to give them something to express my gratitude."

In her imagination, this person should be a graceful and elegant expert, or a mysterious cultivator with a straw hat, fierce in battle and inconspicuous in everyday life, ready to step up at critical moments.

Liu Shuang said, "What if she's not good-looking?"

Shen Qiqi widened her eyes in surprise. "It doesn't matter! I'm not that shallow."

Liu Shuang thought to herself, "Yes, you are."

Shen Qiqi continued, "Oh, Senior sister! What if she doesn't want to see me?"

Liu Shuang said, "I don't know."

"Ah, if she doesn't want to see me, I won't be able to find her either." Shen Qiqi fell into depression for a moment, with a bitter face. "Wait, what if she's not even human? Then I won't be able to communicate with her!"

This kind of long-distance magical attack, which can transform the magic power so exquisitely, requires extremely high cultivation and comprehension. Except for the female lead in the original book, there seems to be no second person who can do it...even so, the female lead should be excluded first! She can't do it with her current cultivation level!

Liu Shuang: "..."

She was silent for a moment and then said, "Perhaps the other person is completely different from what you imagine."

Shen Qiqi replied, "No matter what she looks like, I would be very grateful."

Liu Shuang looked deeply into her eyes and said, "What if she's someone you would never have thought of?"

Shen Qiqi was stunned.

The poor and cute black eagle listened to such a terrible conversation and had already shrunk into a ball, trying to minimize its presence. Its black eyes turned around without the imposing manner it had just had. Shen Qiqi hugged it and gently stroked its feathers, puzzled, "What's wrong? Are you tired? You look so listless..."

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now