Chapter 35

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The lake is not large, and the clear water ripples under the sun, with several tall trees dotted around the edges. Their lush green leaves spread out like opened bird feathers, sharp and wide, casting a blurry shade over the water that drops into the center of the lake.

Approaching closer, Shen Qiqi stared at the trees, thinking they were common coconut trees by the seaside due to her limited knowledge of plants. She wondered if the coconuts hanging from them were edible.

The heat was unbearable, and some people had already crouched by the lake, scooping up handfuls of water to drink. Some even wanted to take off their shoes and soak their feet, but others stopped them angrily.

Everyone splashed around, shouting joyfully, "It's so comfortable!" "Hey, this water is pretty sweet..."

Amidst the sound of playing in the water, Liu Shuang bit her lip and looked at Shen Qiqi beside her. In her past life, her Junior sister had ordered someone to stop her from drinking the lake water to quench her thirst. They both survived by not approaching that oasis.

Liu Shuang couldn't forget Shen Qiqi standing in front of her with her hands on her waist, regretting it deeply as water splashed behind her, "You're lucky to be alive!"

She regretted stopping Liu Shuang from approaching the lake earlier.

Shen Qiqi wanted to kill her with external objects without breaking the rules.

But now, Shen Qiqi had done something completely opposite to what she did in her past life, and it wasn't the first time. She didn't harm Liu Shuang but tried to save her.

This made Liu Shuang feel like there was a completely opposite soul inside Shen Qiqi, contradictory and torn.

She had some speculations in her mind and suddenly asked, "Junior sister, how do you know the water is not safe?"

Shen Qiqi's face remained calm, and she couldn't find any flaws, "This is a wilderness. Suddenly, an oasis appears. Don't you find it strange?"

As soon as she said this, the faces of several people who were eager to drink the water changed, and they stopped in their tracks.

Shen Qiqi's words made sense. This was a dangerous place, and there could be a monster lurking around any corner, let alone this strange oasis.

Liu Shuang squinted slightly, and her doubts remained unresolved.

She quietly delved into Shen Qiqi's heart and saw that she was looking wistfully at a coconut tree in the distance, sighing deeply, "Ah, I really want to drink Coconut Palm coconut juice..."

Liu Shuang: "..."

Several people by the lake had finished drinking water and sat down to cool off, calling out to the people standing nearby, "What are you staring at? Come over and rest. Aren't you thirsty?"

The few people were hot and tired, looking at each other hesitantly. "This place seems really strange. We should probably not stay here any longer."

"What's so strange? You guys are overthinking it. It's just an ordinary lake!" A man sitting by the lake waved it off. "Besides, there are so many people here. What's there to worry about?!"

"Exactly! You're just worrying for nothing."

"I've been playing in the water all this time and I'm still alive and well!"

Shen Qiqi turned her head and looked at the group of people with a gaze that could kill.

They were so lacking in vigilance that they deserved to die.

The female cultivator standing next to her whispered, "But I think Junior sister has a point... How could an oasis suddenly appear in the wasteland? It's better to be cautious..."

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now