Chapter 62

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He was indulging in his delusions of ascending to godhood and having an infinite and glorious future when suddenly he felt a weight on his shoulder, as if someone had placed their hand on him.


His face changed and he quickly looked towards the door, but the two people were still in the room opposite - this person was neither Liu Shuang nor Shen Qiqi!

Liu Nian's throat tightened and he was instantly covered in cold sweat. From the corner of his eye, he could only see a pale and cold hand with slender fingers, tightly clasping his shoulder, and a creepy chill seeping through his thin clothes and into his flesh, causing him to shiver with fear.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his heart pounding with anxiety, but as if possessed, he slowly turned his head.

A pale face gradually entered his line of sight. The face was smooth as a mirror, and the white color was sharp and stiff like a sudden and rigid mask, with no features or curves at all!

Liu Nian's mouth fell open in shock, and he fainted on the spot.

The white-faced person leaned in to take a closer look at him, shaking his head slowly.

If Shen Qiqi were present, he would be surprised to recognize that this white-faced person was actually the "wish" she had seen in the door earlier!

The wish moved its delicate claw-like fingers and lifted Liu Nian, dragging him towards the wall, then closed the door. A slender man emerged from the darkness behind it.

The man in black clothes had a deep gaze and a deadly aura between his handsome brows. He walked towards them with his hands behind his back, stepping on the pure moonlight.

The man raised his eyes slightly and asked without much expression, "Is this what you wanted me to see?"

The wish turned around and bowed, speaking warmly, "My lord."

Situ Chiheng did not reply or even glance at the unconscious Liu Nian, and simply said, "Not even worth using as a pawn on the wall."

"You are mistaken, my lord," the wish said with a smile. "Even a small shrimp can cross a hundred rivers and seas; even a tiny spark can set fire to a vast wilderness. Anything small, as long as it is given a little push, can achieve unexpected results."

Their posture seemed to be on top of a cloud, playing a game of chess, and viewing Liu Nian as a mere pawn to be played with at their whim.

Situ Chiheng lifted his eyes slightly and casually asked, "So you're saying that he, an unknown soldier, can stir up a storm?"

"Let me explain," Wish said with a smile. "Right now, he happens to have stumbled upon Liu Shuang's identity. If she discovers this now, she will surely erase his memory and leave no survivors. But if he succeeds in spreading the news..." Wish paused for a moment, with a deep meaning. "The cultivation world will be in chaos."

"Soo... you want him to reveal Liu Shuang's identity and provoke public anger?" Situ Chiheng asked.

Wish nodded. "The Demon Lord is wise. We have already eliminated her popularity, so Liu Shuang should not be able to detect her presence for a while."

"Think about it, all the famous sects and righteous factions are gathered here for the Trial of the Dread Wastes. If Liu Shuang's identity is exposed at this time, it will definitely invite the condemnation and oppression of all the sects. By then, if the Demon Lord wants to get rid of her, it will be a piece of cake."

"I can't see through Liu Shuang's strength, not to mention those righteous cultivators," Situ Chiheng narrowed his eyes slightly. "With her cultivation level, I'm afraid those old-fashioned cultivators won't even be her match."

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now