Chapter 28

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Dinner was settled at Moon Viewing Restaurant, where there were many people outside making noise. Fortunately, they had reserved a peaceful private room. Looking out from the red wooden carved window, they could see the brightly lit scenery with lanterns and decorations under the moonlight. The crowds were like a sea, very lively.

The Drunken Fairy Duck here was indeed the signature dish, fragrant, crispy, fresh and tender, truly a masterpiece.

Tonight was also a beautiful night with good scenery, drinking under the moonlight with a beautiful woman by your side. Whoever saw it couldn't help but praise the heavenly life.

However, Shen Qiqi did not expect that the silly girl she saved would become the most unpleasant part of the good scenery.

"Senior sister Liu," Mu Yunxi held up her wine glass with shining eyes. "I toast to you."

Liu Shuang lowered her eyes and whispered, "Miss Mu, you don't have to be so polite."

Mu Yunxi persisted in holding up the glass, her two shining eyes staring straight at her, as if there were no other people in the world. "I must do this! Thanks to you for helping me see through the deception, otherwise I would have handed over the silver...this glass of wine represents my gratitude."

After speaking, she raised her head and drank it all, not even looking at Shen Qiqi next to her.

Shen Qiqi sat there, speechless and choked up: What's going on? Clearly, I was the one who came first! Clearly, it's a movie for three people, why can't I have a name?!

She couldn't figure out how she had offended this girl, not saying a word to her all the way, just pestering Liu Shuang with questions and concern. If someone didn't know, they would think that they were sisters.

Mu Yunxi drank another glass of wine, her round face slightly flushed. She picked up her chopsticks and put a piece of roasted duck into Liu Shuang's clean bowl, speaking warmly, "Senior sister Liu, why don't you eat? Come on, try some vegetarian dishes." Another piece of fresh yellow corn appeared in the bowl, and Mu Yunxi put down her chopsticks with a look of anticipation.

Shen Qiqi watched on, tutting and sighing. They were calling each other senior and sister so intimately.

Looking at Liu Shuang, she refused politely, "Thank you, Miss Mu. I have already fasted."

Mu Yunxi bit her lip and stammered, "But you can still eat while fasting! Try it, the dishes here are very famous. It would be a shame not to try them."

Liu Shuang shook her head resolutely, and put the corn back. Due to her experiences in her past life, she didn't like accepting things from strangers, and had some caution and resistance.

The light in Mu Yunxi's eyes gradually dimmed, and she muttered softly, silently starting to eat her food.

The show had temporarily come to a close.

Shen Qiqi held a wine glass, and a bright moon swayed in the grape wine. As she lifted her head to drink, she was suddenly stopped.

Liu Shuang held her slender wrist and said, "Don't drink too much." She looked at Shen Qiqi's bowl and asked, "Why didn't you eat much? Not to your taste?"

Apart from finishing the Drunken Fairy Duck, almost everything else in her bowl was untouched. Shen Qiqi thought to herself: "You must be kidding me! I've seen enough of the show!"

She turned her head away and said stiffly, "I'm full."

Liu Shuang didn't believe her. She knew how much Shen Qiqi usually ate. Clearly, she just didn't like it and deliberately left so much.

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now