The Tornado of Paint

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Alyssa flew through the halls; she had to get away. This new school was too scary, too new. Ha! That old teacher will never find her now! Alyssa started to slow down as she neared the exit, panting. Her long, blonde hair was tied up in a messy ponytail, and her blue jeans had rips in the knees. So what if dress code called for a plaid skirt? She's definitely NOT wearing that! Alyssa couldn't be caught dead in a skirt or dress of any kind. She wore her finest pair of jeans to the school dance, four years ago. She doesn't go to dances anymore though. Too dressy. She'd much rather stay home, watch Netflix, and eat tubs and tubs of mint chocolate icecream.

A hand clamped down on the edge of Alyssa's leather jacket, causing her to flinch. Looking up into the small, beady, wrinkled eyes of the teacher, she groaned. This was not going to end well. She was most likely going to go to A junior correctional facility, again! So what if she painted a little on the walls, and put some tacks in the teachers chair? She just wanted a good laugh. Is there anything wrong with that?

Alyssa jerked out of the old woman's grip and raced down the hall, turning the corner, and jumping in the nearest door, slamming it behind her and holding it shut. When she was relatively sure that nasty old thing was past, Alyssa let go of the doorknob. She was amazed at what she saw when she turned around.

Rows upon rows of spray paint. Hundreds of different shades. This would be perfect for her next prank. Alyssa reached out to touch them, to take them. Leaning forward, she tripped and fell into the racks, which all crashed down around her. And that's when it happened. The room suddenly exploded into a colorful mist, swirling and swirling into a tornado. Alyssa reached back for the door, but it was gone. Unable to escape, she did the next most logical thing to do. She jumped into the tornado.

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