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AUTHORS NOTE: My official apology for not posting anything for a month. My laptop might have been taken away (for reasons that I complained about in earlier chapters; ie my fucking French grade) and so I wrote this on my phone. I dunno when the next chapter will be released but I'll try my best!

When messages were sent to Laya's family, the Sully's all anxiously waited for the response. The date for the ceremony had been sent out, and a response had finally arrived a few days later. Once the response had finally arrived, saying that they would be here in the next few days, the preparations really started to commence. 

Decorations were being put up, food was starting to be prepped, and Laya was busy weaving at her clothes for both her and Neteyam. She had designed herself a simple outfit by weaving in both vines and seaweed that she had managed to dry over the course of the months that she had stayed there. 

The colors of both the Metkayina and the Omaticaya shown through, especially in the reflection of the light. Small reflections of light bounced through the room as Laya sewed in different small gems. All commonly found on the beach, it was the ones that she had brought with her, alongside the dried seaweed. She hadn't dared to show Neteyam yet, but she was excited to see the look on his face when he saw it. 

In the meanwhile, Neteyam was also getting ready for the ceremony. He was arranging the various familial parts of it, and the traditions that the Omaticaya always commenced. He also made a point to input the few Metkayina traditions that he knew, sprinkling them throughout the ceremony. Like, when they first connected their braids together, they would be waist-deep in water. 

While this took some arguing with his grandmother, he succeeded with his request. It also meant moving the whole ceremony to the small beach below the Hallelujah mountains, but they made it work. There would be a gathering place, and food would be presented. After all of that, the two would be presented to the tribe. Then the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan would give a small speech and officiate the two's mating, declaring it to the rest of the tribe. 

Ever since the war with the humans had started, only a few ceremonies had been able to commence, so it was a big deal with the rest of the tribe. The two teenagers mating together also represented a sense of unity between the two tribes and showed a new way of communication between them. A deeper connection with others and thus, a deeper connection to the spread of Eywa. 

The two teenagers hadn't seen much of each other, what with the preparations, and were both awaiting for the day that the craziness would calm down and could just... hold each other. 

Every night they would come home, exhausted, and collapse onto their beds. With a tired hold on the other, they fell into a dreamless sleep. Laya would often wake up with Neteyam gone, a note often left behind. Small notes like;

I'll be home tonight, I love you. - Neteyam <3


Left to convince grandma to let us serve fish, will be back later. - Neteyam <3

p.s. I know I told you this last night but lo'ak is going to drive me insane

p.s.s. save me and come visit me pls

She always smiled at the messily sprawled handwriting, and the pencil was always left next to the paper, as if she would write him a message if she left early too. A pencil that she assumed he stole from the scientists; one that was far too small to made for Na'vi use. She laughed at the image of Neteyam holding the pencil with a feather-light touch, careful not to snap the pencil in half. 

And sometimes she would leave him small messages when she fell asleep before he came home. Messages like;

don't wake me up 


I have to tell you what Kiri did today. Remind me tomorrow. 

p.s. I miss ur floppy hair

And on the rare days that they did wake up together, it was always a disappointment to leave the other. 

It was one of these rare days, only two away from the ceremony, when Laya snuggled into his chest. Her left cheek brushed against his bare chest and her hair was sprawled out behind her. She mumbled something incoherent against him and her hand moving to his neck, wrapping herself closer to him. 

His eyes gently opened and looked at the woman who was desperately clinging onto him. "G'morning." He said, his voice deep and heavily accented. 

He saw the edges of her mouth tick up, but her eyes stayed shut. He decided to let her rest and just looked down at her, admiring the features that made up her beautiful, beautiful face. 

"Staring is rude y'know." She mumbled. He instinctively looked away and blushed, a deep coloring burning his blue skin. 

"Hard not to stare when you're so atrocious looking." He responded, and saw the familiar forming of a smile on her face. 

"Says you." She adjusted on his chest, her hand moving to lift herself up and lean her head on his shoulder. 

"I thought you liked my 'floppy hair'?" He felt her laugh against him, and the sound that fell out of her mouth was one that he wanted to treasure forever. 

"Nah, I just missed it. Who said I liked it?" She finally opened her eyes and looked up at him. His bright yellow eyes stared back and she only took a deep breath as he didn't say anything more. 

"I should get up." He finally said, breaking the silence between them. The comfortable silence, she noted. 

"Just sleep a little more. You're warm." Her arms moved down to his chest and wrapped around him, lowering him back into bed. He didn't say anything more and instead wrapped her tighter to him, enveloping her in him body heat. 

Neither spoke as they simultaneously dozed off, unaware of the havoc that was starting outside.


Lo'ak was anxious. Really anxious. Word had arrived that the Metkayina had arrived, and he was the one who was sent to fetch them. Fetch them and bring them to the Hallelujah mountains, a task that he had begged his father to give him, but now almost regretted. 

It had been so long since he had seen Tsireya. They only shared a few kisses between them, but he couldn't stop thinking about her since he had left. 

Perhaps he could do what Neteyam had done with Laya and convince Tsireya to join the Omaticaya. He knew it wasn't likely, and that it was something he could never ask her. To tear her away from her culture, her people, was something that he knew Neteyam had only done out of desperation. 

And from what he knew, they had mated before he was told that they would leave, so it was really a last-ditch effort to stay together. Perhaps Lo'ak could go back with the Metkayina. 

The thought vanished in his mind as his focus was redirected onto the various sleeping pads that he set up for the new visitors. He had prepared four in total. One for Tsireya, Au'nong, Ronal, and Tonowari. 

They would sleep in the living area of the Sully home and join in the normal activities of the tribe for as long as they stayed. Which was unknown. Nonetheless, Lo'ak focused on the radio that he was given to alert him of their arrival. Which was inbound. 

He yelled to his father of his departure, then ran off to the edge of the mountain. He let out a yip for his Ikran, which quickly responded, and jumped on top. Quickly connecting his braid to his Ikran, he flew down and quickly maneuvered his way through the floating mountains. He dove down, and looked towards the water for any sign of other Na'vi. 

He flew around until he saw a small group of Tulkuns had swam close to the shore. And none other than their spirit family riding on top, with the exception of Ronal joining Tonowari's. With a smile on his face, he flew to the nearby clearing and jumped onto the ground. 

AUTHORS NOTE: Short chapter I know but you guys try writing on a tiny phone (I'll do better I promise)

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