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They walked back to the village, and Neytiri immediately called for her mother. Mo'at came quickly and saw the girls with cuts in their necks. Her eyes widened as she beckoned them, already getting the supplies ready. Neytiri sat down and held Tuk's hand.

Tuk whined and felt tears well up, the adrenaline wearing off. Laya and Kiri also felt the pain start to prick up. Neytiri tried to comfort her daughter and held her close.

They all sat down and waited as Mo'at inspected each of their wounds, looking at them individually. Once Mo'at got to Laya she just raised her chin and looked at the wound. Moving onto Kiri, Mo'at gathered her creams and put it on each of the wounds.

Then she went across the room to take care of Tuk first. Neytiri left the room to go get more supplies.

Meanwhile the cream quickly hardened up and stopped the bleeding of each wound. Laya looked down at the floor and sighed. Kiri noticed what was wrong and nudged her.

"What's up Laya?"

Laya shrugged. "I don't know-" She picked at the floor. "Just having a hard time I guess.." She muttered.

Kiri looked at Laya, a frown on her face. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Laya shrugged again. "It's fine-" She started but Kiri interrupted her.

"Laya, we're gonna be living together. If you need to talk to somebody who isn't your boyfriend, I'm here."

Laya smiled at Kiri. "Thank you.." She looked back down. "I just- I can't deal with this..."

Kiri raised an eyebrow. "Deal with what?"

Laya motioned to everything around them. "This village. Everybody looking at me, staring at me, judging me." She paused. "I can't deal with it."

She felt a lump in her throat forming.

"And I'm trying- so hard-" She bit back her tears. "But I feel like every time I'm finally happy something happens. First Foh'la, now this."

Kiri looked up. "Foh'la?" She asked.

Laya nodded. "Yeah- it's a whole thing." She sighed. "She cornered me today. Told me about Neteyam cheating on her- how I should break up with him and to protect myself." Laya laughed dryly. "I'm not that stupid. I know he would never do that to me."

Kiri nodded, but Laya continued.

"I just realized that it'll never end-" She looked up and blinked her tears away. "Something will always be going on. Someone will always be annoying, the people I love will always be getting hurt-" She paused and looked at Kiri.

"I just want a simple life. Is that too much to ask?"

Kiri smiled apologetically and rubbed Laya's back. Laya felt a single tear fall down her face, but she blinked away the rest. She leaned her head against Kiri's shoulder and sighed. Kiri comforted Laya.

"I'm sorry Laya, I'm really sorry." She looked down at the girl and brushed the hair out of her face. "But you're loved here. I promise. And not from just Neteyam. My whole family has grown so attached to you."

Kiri smiled at her. "Especially mom. She talks about you to her friends. Talks about the great match with you and Neteyam."

Laya smiled. "Kiri.. I have to tell you something." Kiri raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to continue. Laya exhaled and continued.

"I mated with Neteyam. We're like- officially mates."

Kiri's eyes widened, her mouth opening with shock. "Really?" She asked her. Laya nodded, a blush falling over her face. Kiri's face grew into a smile. "That's amazing."

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