"Be safe."

I hold up my index and middle finger in a peace sign. "Bye." Without a second thought I exit the house and walk towards my car. The sad look in his eyes made my heart strings pull a bit. I didn't like seeing my family members with any emotion other than happiness. If I stood in there for a little longer I would have boycotted the 'interview' and hung out with Michael all afternoon. I unlocked my car manually by sticking the key in the keyhole, the remote buttons haven't worked for a while. The air in the car was thick and immediately made my skin feel dewy. I started the car and then flipped open the middle console, grabbing The Color and the Shape CD by Foo Fighters and popping it into the disk drive. Having this old ass car meant no bluetooth and I repeatedly forgot to get one of those adapters you could get. I got used to CDs, I liked the physical copies. The beginning song Doll started playing as I reversed out of the driveway. I had spent the last day and night looking up the google maps directions and I now had them memorized. I also copied them in the notes app in case I fucked up along the way. I did know the area around the University quite well, since I've spent a lot of time there over the last two years. It was roughly a 40 minute drive if I took the highway. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, trying to not think of my family for just one minute.

My stomach felt as if it was eating itself as I got closer I got to this guy's apartment complex, the realization dawning on me that I was going to meet a stranger at his apartment, to get questioned on whether I'd be a good roommate. Our contact this past week had been minimal; I saw his ad online about how he urgently needed a roommate and immediately texted him about my interest. His name was Maverick Hill. The thing that pulled me in was the location; how close it was to campus. It wasn't a short walk but maybe a 5-10 minute drive. If I didn't jump on the opportunity sooner, it would be gone within the week I'm sure. Everything else was out of my budget, already taken, or farther than this dude's place. I found myself in the parking lot and hadn't realized I arrived already, a little worried at how disconnected I was that whole drive.

I stepped out of my car and locked it, beginning to walk to the front door. I pulled my phone out and clicked on his contact, sending a simple text. Here. I was here a minute earlier than the time we set to meet. He replied fast. Door's unlocked, apt. Number 402. I pulled open the hefty door and stepped in the lobby. It wasn't extravagant but not shabby looking. It was empty- makes enough sense for a Sunday afternoon. As I approached the elevators, my eyes scanned a sign between the elevators with the last name and first initial. M, Hill. Floor 4. I clicked the up button and when it arrived I stepped inside. I pressed the 4th floor button and clasped my hands together almost too tightly. They were clammy and slipped off each other messily. It made sense to my brain that clenching them together would make the anxious feeling dissipate, but that's not how it works unfortunately. The elevator dinged and the doors pried open. I stepped out and randomly went right, and suddenly I was at his door. The sound of the AC filled the tight hallway, but otherwise it was pretty silent. A little eerie almost. I knocked and took a step back.

The door opened and I was a little taken back by this guy's appearance but I honestly think that he was more shocked than I was by the expression his face held. When his eyes landed on me, his brows furrowed and eyes squinted at me with suspicion. He quickly looked down towards my shoes then trailed up and met back with my eyes. Neither one of us spoke which made me feel even more nervous, if that was even possible at this moment. "Uh, hi. I'm Parker." I managed to get out, holding my hand up, a feeble attempt at a wave. This was beyond fucking awkward, holy fuck. Skepticism hung over him still. His eyes darted towards my hand then again back to my face.

"Uhhh, Sorry. You're not who I pictured." He then says. His eyes continued to scan over me and I felt like I was under a microscope.

Feeling defensive, I then asked "What do you mean?" I began squinting back at him.

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