"I think I know why the two of you constantly leave.."

Her comment caused Anah to look at her through the dresser's mirror.

"You're pregnant aren't you?"

Anah groaned at her fully annoyed.

"Do I look like I'm pregnant Ivory? No!" The remark caused the teen to snicker.

"Then what do you and Dad have to talk to me about?" She asked again.

"Important things Ivory," Severus interrupted as he entered the room.

Ivory turned to her father, laying back on the bed.

"Like? Me becoming a sister-"

"Ivory knock it off." Her mother retorted giving herself one final look in the mirror.

Anah's appearance was different than usual. Her top of course. It was matted blue, with bronze buttons running from her chest down to her stomach. She wore a high-neck choker. And showed only a little cleavage.

She wore a cape today, it draped down to her shoulders. This cape was a mixture of sapphire, gold, and white.

Her hair was also straightened. It rested upon her shoulders.

She turned to her family giving them a mere look.

"So.. How do I look?" She questioned them. Both Severus and Ivory looked at each other before their eyes landed on Anah.

"Simple? I mean If you want me to be honest Mom.. You've gotten a little.. heavy?"

Anah's mouth hung open. Her daughter just called her fat.

"W- How!? I watch what I eat! I-"

Ivory busted into laughter causing Severus to grin a bit.

"She's only joking. There's nothing wrong with your body, My love.."

He said doing his best to calm her nerves. Anah on the other hand scolded her daughter for the mere comment until the three eventually left.

Ivory was told to meet both parents during lunch began.

It only got the girl wondering. What was so dire that her parents needed to tell her?

She hoped it was something good.

Ivory's classes flew like a breeze. Today, she had Astronomy, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Ivory hated Umbridge.

She would purposely pick on her to answer the random questions she was so quick to come up with. Luckily for Ivory. She was great with answers.

The last bell had rung.

It was time for lunch.

Ivory was packing up her things from her shared desk.

Catalina Malfoy stood beside her holding onto her books.

"So, Where did you want to go for lunch?" She asked giving off a playful smile.

"I have to meet my parents. Maybe you could.. join us? I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Sure. After all, I think they like me~" The blonde teen hummed. Ivory grinned as she managed to gather all of her things.

"Heh, I hope they do. Now come on, My mom will kill me if I'm late.."

And like that, the girls were off.

Anah and Severus paced the shore of the black lake. It was very uncommon to see the Slytherin teacher outside of the dungeons.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. (𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now