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Twelve years ago. 

Ivory appeared in what seemed to be a room. It took her a moment to realize where she was. The room was dark, but it was surrounded by burning candles that sat all over.

A noise caught her attention as she soon turned to see a woman propped up on the bed. In her arms laid a newborn.

It was her mother Anah, and herself when she was a baby.

Anah was cooped up against her child placing multiple kisses against her cheek.

"You're so beautiful my little Princesse."

Her lips mumbled against the baby's forehead.

"My little Ivory.."

Anah praised her baby.

"Ivory Aria Vaneraries Snape. It fits doesn't it?" She snickered while she spoke to her child.

A smile peered on the girl's face as she watched the moment happen. From the looks of it, Anah seemed happy with her. She caught the very last, last name. Snape? Why did it sound familiar?

The doors to her room opened rapidly catching Ivory's attention. About five people marched into the room. There stood her grandfather, grandmother, aunt, and two house-elves that served the Vaneraries.

"Anah.. It's time my love." Mally spoke with a quiet voice as she settled next to her daughter. Anah held on to the child tightly.

"I-I'm not ready to let her go.."

Jayhen, her father gave a vociferous sigh. It was clear that he was upset. It was written all over his brown wrinkled face.

"Anahstacia. I've given you three days to say your goodbyes to this child. Now, we must do exactly as we planned and send her off with Maykaylah. It's the only way we can keep.. this situation.. Under control."

May stood near her father as she slowly began to walk to Anah.

"Anah, come on. We don't have time for this."

She shook her head again as the tears soon formed in her eyes.

"No, she's my baby, my responsibility! I can't let her go... Severus-"

"Must not know. It's bad enough that you've cultivated with that half-blood." Jayhen expressed with his hands tucked to his sides. He stood there emotionless.

"Jayhen, you've said enough," Mally uttered as she glanced back at Anah.

"My dear, you have to let her go.."

The tears began to stream down her face. She couldn't let her child go. Not now, Merlin, not ever.

Even within three days, It showed Anah how much she truly loved her child.

May's hand grasped down to gently pull the babe away from Anah.


She still held onto Ivory as her mother grabbed her arms to pull her back.

"Anah, please.."

"No I-I can't.. That's my baby.. I can't lose her! I can't lose another child!" She whimpered still fighting with her sister. May eventually grabbed whole to the child as she wrapped her tight in the clothe that was containing her.

"Please give me my baby back!" Her weep grew louder as she shifted out of the bed with her mother still holding her back.

"Maykaylah, take care of her.." Jayhen spoke giving his youngest daughter a look.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. (𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now