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Both Dumbledore and Anah gazed the hall of Hogwarts discussing minor things.

Out of the two, Dumbledore spoke most.  He went on to praise Ivory for being on top of her classes and even went on to say the same thing about Harry.

After all, They were her children.

Classes were in session, so there were no signs of any students lurking around.

They reached the end of the hall, they came across a balcony that had a view of the school's grounds.

Anah stood next to Dumbledore in silence before giving off a mere sigh.

"We've met the Malfoy's yesterday.." She spoke. Dumbledore didn't move.

"And how did it go?" He questioned.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Anah leaning down on the balcony's rail, looking down below.

"They sure do ask a-lot of questions.."

Her comment caused him to chuckle until his face formed back into its usual state.

"Then word must be out about the engagement," Dumbledore mentioned soon turning to Anah who only sighed again.

"It is, Along with Ivory." She paused before turning to meet the elder man's gaze.

"Dumbledore.. From the talks of it.. I've heard The Dark Lord is to return? Is this true?"

His hands were still fixed behind his back allowing a heavy sigh to uproot from him.

"Tis is. And this is also why I must speak to you about things to come in the future, my dear. Come, let's continue this in my study." He ushered her to follow behind as they then made their way up to Dumbledore's office.

Anah on the other hand had finally accepted the fact that The Dark Lord was to return. As she could recall, she challenged The Dark Lord many times during her youth. And what if he was to come after her? It wasn't just her anymore, She had Severus, Ivory, and Harry to worry about.

That's right, Severus was a 'Death Eater' but he was also a Spy for the Headmaster. What would... Voldemort do if he was to find out that he had a Family?

"Anah?" The wise man questioned her. He was leaned against his desk with his hands settled in his lap next to his phoenix, Fawkes.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.." She murmured again bringing her finger up to her lip to calm down.

"Do not fret my dear. Sit," He stated in which she followed.

Dumbledore gave a silent sigh, soon adjusting his spectacles to look down at the young maiden.

"Anahstacia. You are well aware of your Husband's circumstances.. am I correct?"

She shook her head in return.

"I am.."

He continued.

"And you know the dangers of his job?"

A small frown formed on her face.


He stood up straight from his desk now walking around to sit down.

"My dear. You must aid Severus in his conquest. The Dark Lord will try and recruit you, upon his return. And you must accept this." He paused a bit before he continued.

"Anah, You too will become a spy. Though, you will have more of an Advantage. The Dark Lord will find out the relationship You and Harry possess."

She cocked a brow with her arms tucked under each-other.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. (𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now