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Both Anah and Severus slept well last night.

After all, they did release a lot of pent-up stress.

The morning came rapidly for the two. They were dressed in no time. But while they prepared for the day, a simple conversation was shaped.

It was about Ivory.

Neither of them knew how they would explain to her the events to come.

Somehow, Anah convinced Severus to do it. After all, he's Ivory's favorite parent.

It was about seven-thirty. Ivory would make her way down to her parents every morning to see them, of course with the approval of the Headmaster.

She roamed the empty halls of the dungeon's thinking to herself.

For the past few evenings, she wasn't sure what her parents were doing or where they had gone. But it worried her. Are they going to try and leave her? It was a fear she had.

Being abandoned.

Ivory arrived in front of the potions class. She gave the door a soft knock while she entered.

The classroom was still, but she saw the mess that was formed around her father's desk.

She began to worry.

"Mom? Dad? Are you in here?" She mumbled pacing towards the closed door that led to their chambers.

She gave a soft knock, there was a conversation being held.

"Come in." The voice on the other side replied.

Ivory opened the door slowly, peeking her head inside first.

Severus and Anah were still getting ready. Anah at least.

"Good Morning, Ivory.." Severus spoke with a soothing voice. Ivory entered the room, leaving her fears behind.

"Good Morning Dad, Morning Mom.." she said going to hug them both.

Anah had just finished buttoning up her blouse.

"How was your day yesterday?" Anah asked kissing the top of her daughter's head.

Ivory moved away from her mother going to plop down onto their bed, giving off a sigh.

"It was.. okay. We practiced more defensive spells.." She was referring to Dumbledore's Army.

Umbridge had stopped all teachings of defensive, so a group of students took it upon themselves to educate others who were keen enough to learn.

"I see.." Anah responded as she moved to do her hair.

Severus had left out of the room to tighten up his class and clean up his desk.

After all, The couple made an unpleasant mess.

Ivory turned her head gazing over to her to watch her mother.

As much as she wanted to ask, she didn't want to bother her with her curiosity.

Until the words slipped out of her mouth.

"Mom, You and Dad have been... leaving a lot.. Is it because of me? Did I do something?" Ivory questioned, setting up from the bed.

Anah cocked a brow, swiveling to face the teen.

Why would she think that?

"You? No, My Love. We just have.. a lot going on. Speaking of, during lunch we're going to take you somewhere. We have matters to discuss with you.."

Ivory had a perplexed look on her face.

What did they need to talk to her about? Oh!

Ivory's face gleamed.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. (𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now