...but my sister doesn't accept the magic

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"Where are you taking me,Michael?" My sister asked,having her eyes closed. "You'll see. It's very special." I told her,which I think made her feel reassured. We entered the main hall,where I had gathered everyone. "Open your eyes now." I told to Anna,who just saw them all being still. "Hi!" They all said in unison. My sister said it was ridiculous. "We should have ran away to the Indianapolis zoo where none of this poppycock can touch us." She yelled,and ran off the grab her things. She was about to leave to the exit when I grabbed her hand,and begged her to stay. "It's wonderful with them! Can't you see?! It's magical where we're at." I pleaded,but she pushed me away and said she was going to grandma's. "One last night. Please!" I begged to her,tugging on her coat. "Be glad I love you,Micheal. I will stay one last night and give them all a chance." My face lit up. Then Ryan's face lit up. And then Anubis's face lit up. Then Nessie's face lit up. Then everybody's face lit up. And then we all realized something. Nazi hat wasn't present. We then began a search all over the museum,and Coach attempted to take charge. "CALM DOWN EVERYBODY! I'm sure she is absolutely fine. I'm sure she is using the bathroom." The Anubis statue then had to state the obvious. "Nazi hat is a head mannequin,she doesn't use the bathroom." He said. "I'm sure she will rolls back at any moment." Coach said,starting to sweat. "She doesn't have control over where she rolls." I said,rolling my eyes.

"Okay. Well now you can panic." She said. The Mammoth Bones were the first to scream. Then everyone was running around,screaming and saying we are going to die. Then we heard a key turn as an employee opened the door

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