(16) History

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Summary: Tubbo finds himself with another human being, in their house, and with their story.


..."what." I haven't heard a voice in a very long time. I tried to stand up, but yelped in pain and dropped again. "ah ah ah, don't move, I bring some first aid." I couldn't even see who the mysterious person was, they had a deep voice, so I'm pretty sure they were a male. The door closes, and after a while, the person came again, now kneeling infront of me. "who are you?" "ah, right, how rude of me, my name is Dr Wynstor. I've been studying this world." Dr Wynstor said. He was helping me up after he patched me up. "You can go now." Philza flies away, well, he was quite rude to them. "How long have you been here?" "Long enough. I've been here for way longer than you. Decades." my heart drops. "But, don't worry, I know how to get you out of here."

My eyes follow him as he walks away, opening the door and signaling me to step inside. He holds the door open when I Pushed myself up and follow him, slower than he did. Which is surprising, since he was looking pretty old. Grayish hair, wrinkles, god he was older than Phil was back home.

Inside was a living room, opening up to a kitchen. It seemed very modern and clean. How? I don't know, how did he get a kitchen here? "make yourself comfortable! Coffee? Tee?" I look around flabbergasted by the place "waters just fine..." Tubbo mumbled, Dr Wynstor hums lightly walking off to the kitchen and disappearing behind the counter. I look at the walls, decorated with shelfs filled with books and photos. Paintings on the wall, and a couch in the middle with a coffee table in front. Dr Wynstor comes back to the main area, a glass with water in hand, and sits down on the couch, patting the space next to him. "come, sit down, I don't bite!" while you shouldn't trust strangers in my world, I've gotten pretty used to trust any kind being here, so I do as he says "How did you-" "Tubbo I've been here for way longer than you believe, I found many more possibilities, this is just a tiny bit of how much I can do!" "How do you know my name?" Dr Wynstor's smile drops "I've been watching you for a while. Ever since that darn monster got you down here, I've been sending my pets after you trying to find out as much about you as possible." "monster? pets?" "You'll understand soon enough, I believe you don't catagorieze them like I do, you just call them creatures, am I right?" I was quite confused still, as he called Ranboo a monster, and the aren't a monster, they are really kind. Why would he call them that?

"Why did you watch me?" "It's been a long time since there's been a human here, besides me ofcourse." "there were others?" "That's a story for another day!" he quickly reassured me, the mood being very weird. "How did you end up here?" I wanted to know everything I can, and he seemed very pleased to answer most of my questions "Just like you, a monster brought me here. To be more precise, the same that brought you aswell." Ranboo? They've seen another human before me? "don't they, like, age and stuff?" "shouldn't you have learned that things work differently here than in our world?" he asked me, and It is true, but I didn't know everything. "alright, I think that's enough questions for now. We can talk more about this stuff later, you could use some new clothes-" "oh- sorry for uhm staining the couch.. and floor... and all-" "don't worry about it!" Dr Wynstor said very kindly waving it off, pointing at a broomcloset in the far end of the kitchen "I have stuff that cleans better than anything. Don't bother about it! Come along now, I prepared a room for you to stay in." Dr Wynstor stood up and walked towards a door, opening it to a hallway of many other doors. I don't know how many rooms there are, or how he doesnt seem tired at all, cause this place is spotless! I stand up and follow him slower than he was, but he waited patiently at a door, smiling really nice. When I finally came to the frame, he opened the door to a rather big room, it had a bed along with a bedside table, on which laid some fresh clean clothes, and a packet, on the walls empty frames and shelfs, ready to be filled with all kinds of paintings and books. A dresser, next to the bed, and a desk on the other end, with a chair and lamp. It was even more than what I had back home. There was a door on the wall, probably leading to a bathroom, or something. "this is your room" he said "make yourself comfortable, I'll make dinner ready. We'll talk more then!" It wasnt even that late yet, a little weird to make dinner now, but I don't judge. I mean, free food, sure! "I'll come in a minute." "take your time!" he said, closing the door and walking off, the footsteps leaving back to the living room.

Mystery far below usOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz