"hey, uh.. welcome." I say to him not breaking the eye contact.

"you look gorgeous." he complements.

"so do you." I smile. He walks in followed by his two sisters and Steve.

I chat with them for a few minutes, Kelvin signals me to take a look at the people who are now walking in.

Samantha and Ethan.

They look so happy together, Ethan's arm is around Samantha's waist.

"who invited them?" I ask Kelvin who's now beside me.

"I have no idea, I guess they just came to make you feel jealous because they are now together." Kelvin whispers, trying not to be heard by anyone.

Jealous? Me? I admit that I felt broken when I found out everything but now I'm even glad because I met someone who is uncountable times better than Ethan.

And as far as I know Sam, she's just using him.

"Trina, my old friend." Samantha's voice brings me back to reality as I just stare at her and Ethan.

"happy birthday, it is so nice to meet you again." Ethan's voice comes out.

I don't have to pretend that I like them, the feeling is mutual anyways so...

"I don't remember inviting you both here." I give them a forced smile.

"do we need an invitation to come here?" Samantha asks.

"apparently yes, because the next time you come here uninvited, you'll find yourselves in hell." I smile, walking away from them with Kelvin following behind.

Apart from all the rich men and women from the business world my parents invited, the venue is packed with my favorite people.. models, celebrities, movie stars, singing stars and fashion designers.


Slow music is playing in the background ,as I watch couples dancing.

I am sitting alone, having a drink and watching how everyone is looking happy with bright smiles.

"do you want to dance?" a familiar voice that I love so much asks from behind.

"sure." I take his hand without hesitation and walk to the center of the dancing floor. Couples all around us.

Joshua places his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him as we sway to the music.

"what happened earlier?" I'm the first to speak.

I'm very straight forward if you're wondering why I asked him.

He raises an eyebrow and says nothing, "I mean, after.. i-in my office."

"look I'm so sorry that I kissed you, i-i don't know what happened." I blurt out.

He shakes his hand, pulling me closer to him, "I can kiss you now if you want."

My face gets hot as I look away from his beautiful face. I feel his gaze on me as I look somewhere else.

We slowly dance in silence for more minutes until the music changes, Joshua takes my hand into his as he walks me back to where I was because it's now time to sing the birthday song.

Everyone sing as I keep my eyes on the most beautiful face.

I love you...

My heart doing it's hobby, beating so fast as if it wants to come out, my stomach feels funny and knees weakens.

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