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The birth of each new day begins at dawn. This is the time when nature comes alive. some people have already woken up, gone for a morning run or are in a hurry to work, and there are those who didn't wake up at all and tossed and turned in bed all night, in other words, me.

How unusual and bewitching the sun rises. Dark clouds seem to dissolve, letting rays of the sun to come out. Silence is everywhere, it's violated only by the singing of the birds.
The morning air is clean and cool. Each breath filled with it gives peace and tranquility. but not for long, because the date on the calendar is sneaks into view. Today is the day. The day my life will change. For the better or worse, I don't know yet. I felt lump appear in my throat. I'm already regretting agreeing to the meeting, but there's nothing that can be done now. I couldn't help but wonder what if all this leads to something bad? what if I'm endangering Shay by bringing her with me? Isn't there another way? Resting my forehead on the windowsill, I tried to relax. it's a big decision, but I've already made it. So I'll have to suck it up and go get the information I need.

The silence was deafening. I was sat in the passengers seat next to Shay, who was looking at the road, sometimes glancing at the map I brought.

"Hey Will, I still don't get why we need the map. It's a bit weird, don't you think? Especially since there's a straight road to where we're going,"

"Huh? Oh, uh.. there's just a special place in the park, so uh..yeah..just drive."

" the way, you don't seem very surprised that I have a car."

I mean..I kinda already know where you live and I remembered your car so..
But how am I supposed to answer that? If I act surprised it'll be suspicious, but if I'm not surprised at all, it's also suspicious. Agh..

"Oh right, sorry.. I just didn't get enough sleep.."

"I've noticed, you don't seem to have been sleeping well In the last few days.. You've also been really quiet today too, are you sure you're okay?"

How is she able to talk so much and drive a car at the same time??

"Aha..yeah, I just don't want to distract you from the road."

"Are you doubting my driving skills? Huh? Is that what it is? You think I'm going to crash the car? I'm hurt. Do you even know how long it took me to get my driving licence? After all those unsuccessful tries, all those driving lessons, I'm ready for anything! Y'know what? I should be a racer! Oh and one time, this was my first driving exam, I accidentally crashed the car and then-"

I looked out the window, we were driving pretty fast, so fast that I didn't have time to do the thing I like to do when in a car - reading random signs and judging passing people. Everything was passing by way too fast for me to register. It looks like we were getting pretty close since we were driving by a forest.

"-Will! Aren't you listening??"

"Huh? What?" I turned my head to look at Shay, who was glaring at me.

"I was asking you why you don't have a driving license yet."

"Ah..right..I guess I never felt like getting one..?"

"What? You're weird."


And so the silence returned. It was rude of me to ignore her question, I know. I don't want the whole ride to be so quiet. I need to think of something to say.. What is a normal question to ask?

"...Are you a virgin?"


Okay.. maybe not the best question. Why did I ask that?? That's weird. Sje probably thinks I'm weird, oh no.

Shay was staring at the road, avoiding eyecontact, though I could see her ears reddening.

"Wha- why do you need to know?"

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that, I don't know why I-" I cut myself off with a sudden coughing fit.

"Woah, you okay? Should I stop the car?"

I shook my head in response, grabbing the bottle of water beside me and gulping down half of the water.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

A few minutes passed and we finally arrived. Getting out of the car, I got my backpack and the map, and Shay got the picnic basket. I'm not sure if this whole picnic idea is a good one, considering the situation we're in, but Shay wouldn't take no as an answer.

"Are you sure we should park the car here? We have a long way to go." I asked Shay, staring at the forrest in front of us with a grimace.

"My car isn't an off-road vehicle, you know? And I don't want to get it scratched and all dirty."

To my unpleasant suprise, there wasn't even a path in the forest. All there was were trees, trees, oh! And more trees. Gee thanks totheark.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Shay asked me, concerned.

"Yeah, that's what the map says."

We continued our journey until we stumbled upon a birch tree, felled by the wind, blocking our way. The roots of the tree, uprooted from the earth, were completely covered with lichens and the trunk was overgrown with moss. there was clearly someone's burrow under the birch roots.

"Oh look! Who do you think lives there?" Shay was going to kneel down to get a better look but I pulled her arm, dragging her behind me.

"Not now, Shay. Let's go."


Now's not the time to get distracted. What if totheark gets impatient and leaves? We need to be quick.

trying to get around the tree, I almost slipped.

"Be careful, or you'll get stung by the nettles. There's some right under you."

"Oh right, you know things about plants and stuff"

"You bet. Did you know that nettle stings can be cured by-"

I looked down at the map in my hands while Shay was blabbering about her plants. Mkay, so we should turn left next..

"-Will! You're not listening again! If you're not interested you can just sa- look! Hypericum flowers! Let's take some of them, if we dry them, then we can drink herbal tea in winter. Will! Hey, wait for me! Where are you going-"

Shay caught up with me, examining some flowers or plant every now and then.

"Have you ever wanted to get lost? Y'know, out of curiosity," Shay turned to me.

"What? No, of course not."

"You're weird."

"And you're not?"

"Can we go there? It's pretty"

"We're almost there, wait a bit more."
I answered her, checking the map.

And I was right. In just a few minutes we already made it to a small meadow. There were a lot of flowers too- dandelions, daisies, lilies...uhh..I don't know what the rest are called. I didn't think there was actually gonna be flowers here.. But I have to say, it was quite refreshing to see something across from trees.

"Woooooah, it's so nice here! The perfect place for a picnic!"

Shay got the blue blanket out of my backpack and spread it out on the grass. I heard a crunch not too far away from us.

"You coming?"

"Yeah, can you get everything ready? I'll be back in a bit."

I walked away from our little picnic spot, straining my ears for a sound. But there was nothing. Am I hearing things?

"Will, come on already, I'm tired of waiting.."
I looked around once more before heading back to Shay. While I was gone, she did in fact get everything ready. The sandwiches, paper plates, cupcakes and paper cups with juice were all placed nicely on the blanket.
Well, while totheark are taking their time, I might as well enjoy myself.

"I'm gla-glad you came."

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