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It was security camera footage.
Since when did I have a security camera? Oh, no..did I start filming pranks?! Was I having a midlife crisis?!

Watching this will either give me answers..or even more questions..
The videos had nothing interesting on them, though I was surprised when I found out that they were recordings of the convenience store.The angle didn't change so I'm assuming that there was only one camera, and it was placed right in front of the entrance to the store.
Oh wow, did past me manage to convince mister Kennedy to finally get a security camera? But.. why only one? That's a bit weird. Wait..then why are the recordings on my laptop? This doesn't make sense.
Once again I got only more questions than answers. And I don't think asking mister Kennedy about it is a good Idea.. what if past me put those cameras without his permission? I'd rather not risk getting in trouble. And I don't feel like going to that crappy place for some camera when I can just stay home. I got a vacation because I'm so sick and such a poor thing. So I'll take advantage of it and rest as much as I want.

But the bad news is that mom took my money to buy the antibiotics that the doctor prescribed. Though I tried to talk her out of it, telling her it's bullshit, but no, she still spent my saved up money on them. Honestly, how can some vitamins cure memory loss?? I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure that's not how memory loss works.
But my spent money isn't the only reason why I'm mad, the worst thing is.. I'm going to be given injections! Four times a week! They'll be injecting some vitamins into my arms or something. But I don't wanna! I'm scared of shots, so what? I tried to object, but mom said she didn't want to hear my childish complaints and that I should be grateful that the nurse will come to our. I guess she's right, at least I can stay home.. but that doesn't change the fact that I'll be getting injections! I couldn't see the brighter side of this situation unlike my mom.
What If I accidentally move my arm?
What if the nurse doesn't know what they're doing?
What if they miss the shot?
The pressure was taking it's till on me as I was sitting on my bed, staring at the clock.
10 o'clock.. the nurse is running late. Maybe their stuck in traffic? Or they forgot? Whatever it is, I hope they won't come.. maybe I could run away.. Or fake a fever. No, knowing my mom, she might as well inject me herself if she has to..
The ticking of the clock was starting to annoy me.
Phew, I need to relax..all this nervousness won't get me anywhere. I layed down on the bed. I stared at the ceiling, trying to clear my mind.

"Oh hello! Come in, come in,"
It was mom. Looks like the nurse came.
"Walk straight ahead and then to the left," the clicking of heels approached my room.
Oh no, sounds like a strict old lady..
The footsteps came to a stop at my door.

I jumped out of bed, but then sat down again.
It's to late to run now I guess...

There was a knock on the door.
Oh wow, the nurse respects my privacy. Unlike some people, ehm ehm.
"Can- Can I come in?" A nervous feminine voice called from behind the door.
No, leave. No.. that's too rude. I guess there's no way out of this.


The door opened. To my surprise, it wasn't a strict old lady. Or at least she didn't look like one. She had an unusual appearance, small freckles, barely visible, strewn around her cheeks, merging with tawny, golden skin.
Amber eyes full of enthusiasm and determination. And a not very neatly tied ponytail. Strands of hair, the color of which were like a blonde, but with a hint of ashy.
Was she really a nurse? She looked a bit too young to be one

She hesitantly stepped in.
"Hey, I'm Shay, your nurse. You were prescribed vitamins I'm supposed to inject into your arm, right? Is it okay if I put my bag here?" She pointed her head towards my bed.
No you can't. Go away please.
I nodded.
She walked to my bed, putting her bag on the edge and stuck her in it, searching for something.
What's she trying to find? Please let it not be a syringe, or at least a tiny one.
She finally found what she was looking for. A syringe. And oh boy, was it not a tiny one.
I started fiddling with my hands.
"Are you nervous?" She softly asked.
"of course I'm nervous! You have a syringe in your hand. A big one!" I stared at the it with horror.
"You don't have to be scared, it won't hurt!" She tried to convince me, putting her hand on my shoulder.
Mhm sure, you'll be poking me with that thing four times a week! I'll end up like SpongeBob!
"I've been told that plenty of times, and it still hurt. You don't have to lie to me. How about I scream, and then you tell my mom that you did everything and leave?"
"No, I can't do that! This is my job, and I love my job!"
"You love poking needles into people's arms?" I raised a brow at her.
"Wha- no! That's not I meant! What I mean is that I love helping people and making them feel better. You know, you should be grateful that I'm the one injecting you and not nurse Susan. She's a very moody woman, she'd inject the medicine without any chit chatting. I, however, am a great nurse!" She beamed in pride.
She's trying making me feel better.

"And how many people have you healed?"
"Oh uh... I actually..just graduated.."
"You just what?! They shouldn't have let you come! You have no experience! What if you accidentally kill me?! I don't want to die!"
"Oh calm down. That doesn't change my skill level, I've practiced you know. Ohhh, if it makes you feel any better, I have candy..?"
"I'm not a child." I continued whining.
"Then man up! You can do this! I promise I'll be as gentle as possible."
Looking in her eyes, I saw reassurance.

She reminds me of mom, probably because of her stubbornness.
"..fine..." I stretched out my arm.
Shay started wiping it with a wet cotton pad.
Now for the worst part.
The needle was right above my vein. I was trying hard not to move my arm.
"Alright, ready?"
I stiffly nodded my head.
"Okay, take a deep breath, one, two,"
I closed my eyes, getting myself ready for the pain.

|| No Way Out || Ticci Toby x Male!Oc || Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin