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Hm? What's this? Interesting.. I continued reading the article.

'Last night there have been reported the murder of four individuals. There are no suspects yet, but the victims were a group of middle school kids who had been out in the woods late last night. The kids had been bludgeoned and stabbed to death. The investigators have discovered a weapon at the crime scene. It appears to be an old, dull-blade hatchet.
Investigators have pulled the name of a possible suspect, Toby Rogers, a seventeen-year-old boy who stabbed his father to death a few weeks ago and tried to cover up his escape by setting a fire in the streets and forest area around the neighborhood. Although they believed the young boy had died in the fire, investigators suspect Rogers might still be alive, due to the fact that his body was never found.'

Damn, this sound like some horror story, especially the last part. Though the journalists could've exaggerated it, made up the whole thing altogether.
I turned the page to a picture of..him. Tobias huh? It was definitely him, I had no doubt. I just felt like it was him, it had to be. My intuition never let me down. There just something about him that seemed so familiar, in a bad way too. Though in this photo he seemed more..innocent? Not exactly kind-looking, but not maniacal at least. Just a normal teenager, that is if you ignore the huge gash on his cheek. How did he even get that..? Nevermind, I don't really want to know.. Is that why he alway wore a mask? I thought he was just being responsible..

He lived in our town? This was so long ago! And the police still haven't caught him? This just proves the cops here are shitty. But still, I have proof! I can show it to them and they'll find him! I have video proof of him killing a person! I should've gone to the police a long time ago.. what was I thinking?
I'm missing the main question here. Who sent this?
Turning another page I saw red writings all over the page.
Running over all the words I knew who it was from right away. Totheark. Of course. Who else would leave creepy, confusing messages for me?





Hold up, how did they send this? Do they know my address..? Of course they do, at this point everybody knows where I live. Great. How did I even miss this? And why is it in the trash can? Did Totheark sneak into my house and put in the trash? A bit rude of them to come uninvited..
Agh, okay, let's assume that mom got the mail and threw the newspaper out, thinking it was advertisement or something. That sounds more logical. But still, Totheark, how did you find me? And why are you showing me this? Why do I need this information? Is it to enlighten me on something? How do you know my address? Are yous staling me too? I wouldn't be surprised.. What if you are Tobias? What if you're not actually trying to help me? So many questions, yet no one will answer them.

I need to call mom. I need to tell her everything! Is she okay? Totheark mentioned something about loved ones. And she didn't answer my call then. Did something happen to her?? Oh god please, please let everything be alright!

I didn't even get to grab my phone before it started ringing. It was mom.
Oh thank goodness. I'm so glad she's okay.
"Hey Will, everything alright? Did you call me?"
"Mom! Mom, when are coming home? Please come home."
"Is everything okay? What happened?"
"Please mom, you have to come home!"
"Hey, calm down, I'll be home in a hour. Are you going to tell me what happened now?"
"Mom, I was being followed, I was threatened. I have so much I need to tell you!"
"Don't worry, I'll be home soon honey. Lock the door and all the windows and wait for me, okay?
"Okay, please be quick.."

|| No Way Out || Ticci Toby x Male!Oc || Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets||Where stories live. Discover now