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The bell rang and a 16-ish looking girl with curly black hair and olive skin came in. She rushed towards the alcohol section.
Tsk tsk, you shouldn't drink at such young age..back in my days..okay, I sound like old man...
Not even 3 minutes pass and she already walked up to the checkout desk and lightly slammed the bottle of wine Infront of me.
"Good afternoon."
Her eyes were shining with excitement.
"Good afternoon, could you show me your ID."
That excitement turned into panic as soon as I finished my sentence
"Ah.. uhm..I don't have with me.."

Mhm, sure.

"Then I'm afraid I can't sell it to you."
"What?! Why?!"
"Because I need your ID."
"Okay then, what should I do?"
"Go back home and bring it."
"Have you seen the time?! You expect me to go outside this late in the night?"
"Well how were you planning to go back home?" She's starting to annoy me..
"Listen, I don't want to waste my time."
"And I don't want to get fired."
"Why would you get fired?"
"Cause it's illegal. I can't sell alcohol to you without checking your ID."
"Do I look like a little girl? I'm 22 already!"

Yeah right.

"It doesn't matter how old you look, I need to check your ID."

Is it really that hard to understand? Can she just leave already?

"Oh come on! Just let me have the wine! Do you really need my ID..?" She said in a hopeful tone.
"I told you 5 times, don't you understand?No. Are you getting anything else?"

My head hurts already. I'm getting sick of her, why is she being so stubborn? What if I throw the bottle at her? No, Will! You don't use violence! Just be patient.

"No, I only want this bottle of wine."
"Well then go home and bring your ID, that's the only option if want it that-" I cut myself off with a cough.
"Ugh, wear a mask. Anyway, who cares about the ID? Have you seen our town?"
"My manager cares, so please, show your ID or leave."
"I really doubt that you ask every person for their ID."
"Because usually people who buy alcohol here are at least 40."
"Fine then, what can I do to get this? Do you want a blowjob or something?"
"What?! No! I'm not interested."

Oh hell no! I don't want to be charged for pedophilia. Girly, are you even old enough to offer blowjobs? Oh god, why did the universe send her to me??

"Then maybe I could pay you?"

Hmm, I mean, it's better than the former option.. and if I don't agree, I feel like she'll just run off with the wine at any moment.. and I could use some extra cash too..

" much?"
"Uhh, one second.." she started digging in her bag.

I leaned my head on my palm and examined her. She was wearing a short black skirt, a red sweater, and giant heels that looked too big on her petite feet. It looked really weird, like she stole her mom's shoes. Her makeup was also.. interesting.
There was also a man standing behind her- wait what?! A man?!
It's -no, It can't be! What if it isn't him? most definitely is.. when did he get here?! Why is this happening again? It's like I'm in a loop of misfortune..
Okay, stay calm..I have a security camera, so I have proof that he entered the store. Everything is under control.

"Excuse me, can you move? You've been standing here for the- for the last 10 minutes. I need to pay."

"Yeah, yeah. just let me deal with this kid. He's making this a lot more complicated than it should be."

Oh god, please don't anger him! Just let him pay and leave.

"Can't you do that after I pay? It really wouldn't take that long."
"You in a hurry or something? I was here first."
She turned around to face him, not realizing how close he was behind her, knocking the jar of jam out of his hands and on to the floor, making it crack.

No no no no no no! She doesn't understand that her life is in his hands right now. Another wrong move and he might lose his temper..

"Oh, sorry." She said, not sounding even a bit apologetic. She turned back again and continued digging in her bag.

Why?! Why couldn't you just nicely apologize?!

He was very obviously annoyed with her, balling his fists.
In a swift motion, he slammed her head on the corner of the checkout desk.
She fell to the floor, blood was leaking from her smashed forehead, staining her hair.Her eyes were wide open.

Is she..?

If you've never seen the transition from human to corpse, the moment the soul passes on, it is a very intimidating experience. And I've had that experience twice.

I wanted to look away, needed to tear my eyes away from the young girl, who could've had a future ahead of her, but I couldn't. I kept staring into her eyes, wishing she would blink once.

I should've selled her the wine from the beginning, then she would've left in time. It's my fault.

The maniac didn't to care,he stepped over her body, placing a loaf bread and the cracked jar of jam on the checkout desk.

I had no idea what to do, do I run? Scream? Punch him?

My phone rang.

He didn't seem to like the disruption of silence. He took my phone and smashed it to the ground, stomping on it.
I used this distraction as a chance to run. But I didn't get to run far.. He took a handful of my hair and pulled me back, making my head throb.
It's at that moment I remember I had a knife in my pocket, waiting to be used. I pulled it out and slashed his hand. He let go and I sprinted to the bathroom.

"Oh-ho-ho.. since when were you so brave, huh?" His dreadful voice taunted.

What I forgot though, is that the door had no lock.
My heart skipped a beat and my head was spinning. Is this the end?!
Slow footsteps could be heard.

"Will..why are you running away? I thought I told you I wouldn't kill you.."

Something about the way he said made the hairs on the back of my neck stand.
I tried opening the window, but it wouldn't open. It was no use.
The only option I had was to hide. It wasn't safe but I didn't any other ideas.. I dashed into the closest toilet stall and pressed my knees to my chest.
The footsteps were getting closer.

"Come on, William, why are you hiding?" He flung one of the bathroom stall doors open.
"You know I'll find you sooner or later.."
Another one flung open.
And another..
And another..
Untill he he reached the one I was hiding.
My hands were covering my mouth, not letting a single breath out.
The footsteps stopped.

"Oh well, I suppose I could visit you another time. See you soon, William." His footsteps became fainter.

|| No Way Out || Ticci Toby x Male!Oc || Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon