Dawn - Xiao

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    You've been walking for quite some time now. The 'short walk' you thought you were going on turned into a full fledged hike nearly an hour ago, and you're still walking. Xiao, the person who forced you to come on this 'walk', is showing absolutely no signs of stopping.

    "Hey, are we going to turn back soon?" You ask, quietly, so as not to annoy him.

    He sends you a puzzled glance over his shoulder, "Turn back?"

    "Were you... not planning to turn back?" You can feel your legs start to give out at the thought of continuing to walk for however long he was planning on going. There is no way you can keep going like this.

    "Not until dawn." He answers, nonchalantly, as if that wasn't the craziest thing he could have possibly said.

    "But- When am I going to sleep ?" This is turning into a much bigger problem than you ever would have guessed it was going to be when you first asked your question. You're almost starting to think you would have been better off not asking. Ignorance is bliss, after all.

    He quickly glances around, looking for something. What? You couldn't say. But it doesn't take him long to find it. "Come," he mumbles, turning in another direction and gesturing for you to follow.

    You oblige, and you soon find yourself standing in the middle of an incredibly soft looking field of flowers. Needless to say, you're more than a little confused. The meadow is gorgeous, and you certainly are glad that you got to see it, but how does this have anything to do with you getting to sleep?

    "So, why are we standing in a field right now? It's starting to get dark, don't you think-"

    "You wanted to sleep, correct? You can sleep here." You wait for an indicator that he's joking, and he doesn't actually want you to sleep on the ground, but one doesn't come.

    "You want me to sleep... on the ground?" You try your best to remain positive, but the situation is beginning to look grim. So much for getting your beauty sleep.

    Instead of continuing to talk, Xiao sits down in the grass. He pats the ground next to him, telling you to sit as well. Not having many other options, you do so, and are pleasantly surprised to feel that the ground is... soft?

    This might actually be better than having to walk home for a bed. Never in your life would you have guessed that the ground could actually be comfortable. Plus, it's starting to get dark. Even if you turned around and started heading home right now, you wouldn't get back until late. That leaves you one choice.

    "Maybe sleeping on the ground isn't too bad." You admit, running your fingers through the grass and flowers that now surround you. "I can make it work."

    He nods, turning his gaze from you up to the quickly darkening sky. He looks almost unreal in this lighting. The hazy colors of the setting sun reflect in his eyes, and shine a golden glow on his skin. You have trouble looking away. You want to engrave this moment into your memories forever, so that you won't forget.

    "You're staring," he says, not once looking down from the sunset. How did he even catch you? Maybe you weren't as being as subtle as you thought you were.

    "A-ah, yeah. Sorry. I spaced out for a second. I must be more tired than I thought." An awkward laugh follows your words, followed by a disappointed sigh from Xiao.

    "You need rest," he pauses, finally looking back down at you, "I will keep you safe while you're asleep."

    You know that you can rest easy with him by your side, and it takes you no time at all to fall into a deep slumber. When you do, Xiao once again turns his gaze to the sky. He reaches over, very gently placing his hand atop yours.

    "I'll see you when the dawn comes."

Genshin Impact x Reader OneshotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu