Cassiopeia - Albedo

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    You find him lying outside your little camp in the snow, staring at the sky. For a moment, you're worried. Why in the world would he be out in the cold in the middle of the night? But then you realize this is Albedo you are thinking about, and this type of thing is completely normal for him.

    Walking slowly, so as not to startle him, you go to stand at his side. "What are you doing?" You're speaking very softly, in an attempt to be respectful to the other people asleep in the camp behind you. If any of them woke up, Albedo would most likely just go back to his tent and sleep. Considering that it is the middle of the night, that would be reasonable. But you still want to spend at least a little bit of time out here with him before going back to bed.

    Instead of answering you, he just looks at you. After a moment he pats the ground next to him, presumably telling you to lay beside him. Confused, you follow suit, laying beside him in the snow. He then points to the sky.

    You look up, and your gaze is met with millions of stars. You don't think you had ever seen this many before in your life. What surprised you even more though, was that Albedo was just out looking at them. He didn't seem to be doing any research or gaining anything from it, he was just stargazing.

   The thought of him doing something just because he enjoys it, as silly as it is, brings a smile to your face. You turn your head to look at him. Somehow, the stars look even prettier reflected in his eyes than they do in the sky.

   He notices you staring, and once again points to the sky. "Cassiopeia," he whispers, shooting a glance in your direction to see if you're following.

   "Huh?" You ask, trying your best to find what exactly he is showing you.

   "Cassiopeia, the constellation," he points again.

   When he realizes that you still aren't seeing it, he laughs. It's quiet, and you almost thought you were imagining it for a moment, but you did hear it.

   You didn't have time to dwell on it though, because soon he was gesturing for you to move closer to him. "Come here, you'll be able to see better."

   You move a little closer, squinting at the sky and trying to make out any shapes that might pass as constellations. He shakes his head, and pulls you a little closer. You don't think you have ever been this close to anyone , let alone Albedo.

   But once again, there is no time to be embarrassed over it, because soon enough he is pointing again. "Do you see it now?" He uses his finger to outline the shape, and you do see it now.

   "Mhm... What did you say it was called again?" You ask, cuddling up to him just a little more. You're telling yourself that it is only because it's so cold outside, but you both know it's more than that.

   "Cassiopeia," he pauses, pointing at a different area, "and that one is Cepheus."

   You continue asking questions, and he continues answering them. You know that he's practically a genius, but you never would have guessed he knew so much about something like this. You try your best to stay awake and absorb the information he is giving you, but you can't help but drift off after a while.

   Once he notices that you're asleep he quickly brings you back to your tent, worried that you may have gotten too cold. When he is sure that you're warm again, he very hesitantly takes his leave. He'd much rather stay with you, though.

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