Promise - Kaeya

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    "Wake up," he whispered to you, reaching over and shaking your shoulder.

   You are not a morning person, yet somehow Kaeya got you to agree to an early morning workout session. So, you were pretending to be asleep while he tried his hardest to get you up. Another firm shake of your shoulder forced your eyes open, and you quickly turned over to glare at him.

   "Sweetheart, Honey, Light of my Life, you need to get up." Kaeya was standing at the side of your bed, arms crossed in front of his chest. He had his signature, usually charming, smirk on his face, which only heightened your annoyance.

   Sparing a glance at the clock, you found that he woke you up hours before the time you had both agreed on. Instead of answering, you just groaned and pulled the blankets over your head, once again turning from the evil man standing at the corner of your bed. "I'm going back to sleep."

   "No, Babe-" he whined, flopping down to lay next to you. "Come out of there," he tugged on the blankets, "I want to see your pretty face."

   You could feel your cheeks heat up after he complimented you, which only further convinced you to stay under your covers. "Nope. I'm already sleeping."

   Hearing him sigh and start to get up, you peeked out to see what he was doing. "Why are you leaving...?" You had hoped to rope him into another few hours of sleep, but that didn't seem to be going well for you.

   "You said you were asleep." He was once again staring down at you with a smug expression. You then realized that he was only leaving to get you to come out of hiding. "I was going to leave you alone."

   You frowned, hoping that if you pouted at him enough, he'd come back to bed. "I don't want to sleep alone. "

   "That's just too bad, isn't it?" He reached down again, flicking you on the forehead. "I have to go, even if you aren't coming with me." He could obviously tell you were about to protest, because he leaned down and kissed you to prevent it. "I'll be back soon, okay Love?"

   You shook your head, pointing stubbornly at the clock. "Why in the world would you need to leave this early? Come cuddle."

   He laughed, going back down to sit on the edge of the bed. "Ah, you got me there. I thought if I started to get you up earlier, you'd be awake in time to leave. That backfired on me, didn't it?"

    He gave up when you didn't respond with anything but a pout. "Alright, [Y/N], you win." He took his coat off, tossing it onto the floor beside your bed. The second he laid down, you cuddled up to him.

    When you were finally comfortable, you shut your eyes. The goal was to fall asleep as quickly as possible, so that he couldn't weasel you into waking up. He noticed this and laughed, reaching down to play with my hair. "You can fall back asleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

    "Promise?" you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.


    With that, you were out like a light. You figured the sooner you fell asleep, the sooner you could wake up in his arms.

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