Angel - Diluc

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    You're trying to wait patiently, you really are, but waiting for five whole minutes outside of Diluc's house for him to answer the door seems a little overkill to you. Reluctantly, you wait another minute, and when he still doesn't answer you're forced to give up and walk inside.

    "...Diluc?" You call out as you enter, warning him of the fact that you've come in. He doesn't answer. This worries you, so despite your better judgement you begin to search for him. "Diluc? Are you ignoring me...?"

   For some reason, he is continuing with his aforementioned silence. It's strange, you can't think of any reason for him to completely brush you off like this. But, he is, and until you can find him and verify that he is alright you don't plan on leaving. The only place left for you to check is his room, so there's no choice but to make the trip up the stairs in search of him.

   When you get to his room, you're met with a locked door. Deafeatedly, you place a loud knock on the door. "I know you're in there. Answer the door, Jerk." You hear some rustling, and a moment later the door opens. He looks a mess. His hair is tangled, and he is still in his sleepwear. Or, it seems that way. You can't tell what he is wearing due to the large robe he seemed to have thrown on before answering the door.

    "Did you... come into my house without knocking?" For a second, you're worried that you upset him. But you quickly realize the disdain in his expression is not from anger, it's from utter confusion.

    Once you're sure he isn't upset with you, you shake your head. "I knocked," you pause, for dramatic effect, "for an entire minute. Did you really not hear me?"

    He sighs in response, turning around to retreat into his room once more. He leaves the door open, an invitation for you to follow. "You have my apologies, I must have fallen back asleep before you knocked. Did you need something from me?"

    You're appalled, quite honestly. Diluc? Asleep in the middle of the day? That is unheard of, especially on a Tuesday. You ignore his question in favor of asking your own. "Why were you sleeping? Is something wrong?"

    "No, no. Nothing is wrong . I woke up to a minor headache, and decided to stay home. That is all." He takes off his robe as he talks, confirming your assumption that he was still in his pajamas. It seems like he is planning on getting up and ready for the day, now that you're here.

    "Does your head still hurt?" You question, watching carefully as he stands to hang his robe.

    "Not enough for it to put a stop to my day, I will be fine." You have to stop yourself from sighing. That answer is very like him.

    Ignoring his protests, you move closer and gently push him back onto his bed. "Lay down, I am going to go and get you water. If I come back and you're up again, I will kick your ass."

    You leave before he has the chance to answer, finding your way to the kitchen and getting him a glass of water. It's safe to assume that dehydration is the cause of his headache. Even if it isn't, water certainly isn't going to hurt.

    When you get back, you're pleasantly surprised. He didn't try to get up while you were gone, and instead he listened to you and got back into bed. He must really be feeling bad, if he is willing to listen to you for once.

    Carefully, so not to spill, you give him the glass. He sits up, but only a little, so that he can take a sip. It's very evident now that his headache is way more severe than he was making it out to be. "Diluc, if you were feeling this bad you should have sent for me. I would've come much sooner."

    He shakes his head, stubborn as usual. "It really is not that big of a-"

    "Shh, just be quiet. I'm going to stay until you feel better, okay?"

    Seeing no point in arguing, he reluctantly nods. You wait a minute, thinking he might have something to say, and when he doesn't speak you stand up to leave. You're planning on looking around to find some sort of medication that will help his condition improve. But before you get out the door you hear a weak voice telling you to wait.

    Diluc refuses to make eye contact when you turn, but you take the hint and move back over to sit with him. "Thank you... for your help." He is just barely mumbling, but you can tell that he is truly grateful.

    Instead of answering, you smile and grab his hand, giving it a light squeeze. You both stay like that for a long while. With an angel like you taking care of him, he is already starting to feel better.

Genshin Impact x Reader OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz