People Like You - Rosaria

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    Tonight is one of those nights. You've been tossing and turning for hours, trying, and failing, to get at least a small amount of sleep. It's nearly midnight when you give up on trying.

    Deafeatedly, you roll out of bed and find something to throw on over your pajamas. It's too cold not to at this point in the year. You settle on a (questionably clean) robe that you find on the floor of your room, and head out into the halls.

    The cool air outside your room is nice, and you're willing to bet that it's even nicer outside. Seeking the crisp outside air, you find yourself at a small balcony that you hadn't ever noticed before. There isn't any reason to knock, since nobody else would possibly be out this late but you, so you just open the door.

    Much to your surprise, someone is occupying the balcony. You don't say anything at first and are very tempted to just turn around and leave. She hasn't even turned to look at you yet. Instead, she has opted to continue staring out at the water in the distance. You wonder if she even noticed the sound of you opening the door. "Um, Sister Rosaria?"

    She responds with an uninterested hum, still not bothering to look your way. It's for this exact reason that you tend to avoid speaking with her. Her cold demeanor intimidates you, and you can never tell if she hates you or if she is just this way with everyone.

    "I'm very sorry to bother you, Sister. I just-"

    "Rosaria," she interjects flatly.

    "I'm sorry. Sister Rosaria-"

    "No, just Rosaria. You should call me Rosaria."

    "Oh, right. Rosaria, then." You fall silent after that, not sure if you should bother her any further by continuing to speak.

    After a few moments of painfully tense silence, Rosaria finally turns around. "Did you need something from me?"

    You shake your head in response. "I just wanted to get some fresh air. I'm sorry to have interrupted."

    With a sigh, she walks over to you, quickly pulling you outside and shutting the door behind you. She points to a chair, and you obediently sit. Once you're settled, she goes back to where she was standing before, staring solemnly out at the water. Another moment of deafening silence passes before she decides to speak up.

    "What are you doing up so late?" Rosaria asks, sounding somewhat interested in what you have to say. At least, more interested than before. In your eyes, this is a large improvement.

    "I couldn't sleep, so I thought a walk might be nice."

    "Ah," she says in response, glancing over to where you're sitting. "That's reasonable, I suppose."

    More silence follows her words. You just aren't sure how to act around her. When you should or shouldn't speak is a complete mystery to you, and the last thing you want is to annoy her more than you're sure you already have.

    "I couldn't sleep either. Just the thought of having to interact with the Sisters in the morning is enough to keep me up through the night. No matter how often I leave for work, they still find a way to nag me about something or another," she pauses, once again turning to face me, "I'd much prefer to be left completely alone."

    "I can go, then! I wouldn't want to interrupt your alone time, especially if you don't usually get any-"

    "No no, stay. You're... tolerable." She pulls up a chair as she speaks, setting it down directly across from where you are already sitting. "I don't mind spending time with people like you."

    Rosaria's word choice is very nearly insulting, but the look on her face doesn't give you the impression that she's being negative. I have no option other than to ask for clarification. "...People like me?"

    She nods, a sly smile very slowly gracing her lips. "People like you."

    "What do you mean by that?" You ask, albeit hesitantly.

    "Intelligent, attractive, interesting people. People like you."

    That is the absolute last thing you expected to come out of her mouth. She watches, amused, as you try to think of an appropriate response to it.

    All you wanted to do was get some fresh air, and somehow you ended up here. Something in the back of your mind tells you that you won't regret your decision to stay.

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