Requests - Ningguang

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You jump up when you hear the very familiar sound of a door opening, and the tell-tale click of heels against the floor. You had been looking forward to this moment for hours , and couldn't help but run out to meet the person who just walked in.

"Ningguang! You're home!" Giving her very little time to react, you run up and pull her into a hug. She laughs, wrapping her arms around you in turn. She had only been gone for a day, but it felt like eternity to you.

After a moment, she pulls out of the hug so that she can look at you, a tired smile on her face. "You knew I was coming home, Darling. Did you really miss me that much...?" Her smile slowly turns into an amused smirk, seeing your cheeks turn red.

"A-ah, well, yes- but! I planned something for you," you start to pull her by her arm, towards where you decided your plans would commence. While she had been off working, you had spent the day working out the kinks of your surprise spa day. You knew it wasn't anything close to the fancy massages you had seen her get, but you thought she might appreciate it regardless.

Before she had room to object, you had her sitting down on the edge of your bed, and you were off gathering your supplies. She just watches you, puzzled, but excited nonetheless. After all, she'd be happy spending time with you no matter what you were doing. The big 'plan' was just the cherry on top of what she had already thought was going to be a perfect evening.

Soon, you have everything you need gathered on the nightstand. Before you start on the main event, you obviously have to set the atmosphere. So, you pick out two candles, holding the both of them up for Ningguang to see. "Lavender Chamomile, or Mint?"

"Hm..." she pauses for a moment, deciding which one she wants to pick. She takes an agonizingly long time, and you're almost too excited to wait for her. Little do you know, she is doing it on purpose. When she sees you start to lose your patience, she finally chooses. "I think Lavender Chamomile sounds lovely, wouldn't you agree?"

You nod eagerly and light her candle of choice, setting the other one aside. Then, you were finally able to get to the good bit. You sorted out an array of fancy face masks, nail polish colors (that you had picked for her yourself), tea flavors, and various other items that you deemed relaxing. "Surprise!" you exclaimed, gesturing grandly at your display.

When she saw how happy you were about this, Ningguang was happy about it too. She thought it was sweet that you'd put this whole thing together for her, even if it was a bunch of things that she already had around her room. "I'm flattered, Love. All of this is for me?" She asks, watching delightedly as your face lit up because of her positive reaction.

"Mhm. You usually do all of this yourself, but- I thought it might be nice if you just relaxed! So I am going to do it for you," you smiled, allowing her to pull you down for a kiss. Afterwards, though, you were back to business. "Now, pick your tea flavor!"

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