[1] - Origins: Adrien Agreste

Start from the beginning

Wait...what if...

A newfound shine inhabited his eyes now. A glint of excitement and hope that granted him the energy to lift himself up off his couch and onto his feet. A small smirk stretched his lips as he looked around the so barren bedroom he slept in.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

With his bag slung over his shoulder, Adrien quickly snuck out through the back gardens of his fathers mansion, utilizing the shadows of the summer sun contrasting with the full and bushy trees to his advantage. He snuck off of the property and into the streets of Paris, a sense of adrenaline flowing through his veins for the first time in a long time.

Without being with Nathalie or his bodyguard, this was the closest Adrien had been to human civilization before. He felt like everyone else who walked on these same streets. All alone. Alone...yet happier. Normal.

Now that he was freed from the cage that was Gabriel's mansion, Adrien carefully hid within alleyways and darkened shadows and trees as he started making his way towards the nearby school that he always drove past when he went with the Gorilla to pick up pastries from the Boulangerie Patisserie bakery. He had seen kids close to his age heading in this direction as well, so this had to have been at least a high school...right?

Sure enough, to his luck, it wasn't too long before the giant school building came into view. It was sophisticated yet modest. It was completely different than what Adrien had ever seen with his expensive classes abroad. An excited smile spread over his face at the sight.


He was finally going to be able to talk to other people. Maybe even make new friends. Adrien's excitement was too much to contain.

Looking around briskly to make sure no one was around, he broke out into a swift sprint and made a path in his head up to the school, dodging lamp posts and displays with his own face on them almost like an obstacle course. Adrien could feel the freedom that would come with walking up those school steps and inside those welcoming doors. While silent, the air didn't feel so tense anymore. His hair moved freely with the wind, and the sun shined against his smooth warm skin. It felt like being embraced by a warmth he hadn't ever felt before.

His excitement and happiness was short-lived, however. As he ran to the steps, he heard the screeching of tires behind him that made him freeze dead in his tracks like a deer trapped in headlights. Adrien's limbs froze completely, his eyes closing as if he was awaiting the impact of a punch to the face.

"Adrien! What do you think you're doing?" Nathalies voice shouted, shattering the previously calm and freeing air with its stark ripples in the sound waves. He didn't dare to even move an inch. Shit...

The clicking of Nathalies boot heels against the concrete got louder and louder behind him, and he just stayed still and surrendered to the eventual conclusion that he'd be rushed right back home. As Nathalie was about to put her hand on Adriens shoulder to drag him back to the car, a sudden loud commotion sounded from across the street. Both Nathalie and Adrien turned their heads in unison towards the sudden noise.

Grunts and sounds of distress were visibly coming from this little old man who was struggling to keep a hold of the satchel in his hands as a way taller and stronger man was trying to steal it from him. The man was clearly incredibly weak and not in any condition to be able to defend himself. Without even thinking, Adrien bolted towards the two.

Nathalie reached out to him as he ran, her eyes widened with horror and terrible confusion. "Adrien!"

Adrien ran up to the two men and managed to protrude his arguably smaller figure in between them both, breaking the two up and allowing the little elder to get his hands securely back on his satchel.

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