[1] - Origins: Adrien Agreste

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Staring out his extravagant bedroom window, almost like an endless abyss, Adrien watched the views. He watched as the people of Paris walked the brightened streets, the sunlight shining against the street decor, and the civilians existing without another care in the world and off to do their own errands and spending their day doing whatever they wished they could. That feeling sent a small sigh through Adrien's slightly stiffened his lips as the sights proceeded.

Why can't I ever leave this place?

It was lonely up being up in his room all day long. Especially today. Nathalie had come in to inform Adrien that his father had cancelled on having lunch with him once again, which left the boy alone for the afternoon and possibly the evening as well. Said he had some business to take care of and couldn't show.

"Are you sure Father can't make it today?" His quieted voice pleaded to Nathalie, his usually bright green eyes filled with desperation. He wanted more than anything to spend time with his father, and Nathalie knew this. She wouldn't have been surprised if the kid had an entire list documenting the times his father had cancelled or postponed on spending time with him. With a slightly downcast expression descending from guilt, she let out a soft sigh for the blonde to hear.

"I'm sorry, Adrien. I really am. But Gabriel said that he has a troublesome client he has to deal with and it'll eat up his day. If you want, I can reschedule for tomorrow?" Even through her glasses that clouded her eyes, Nathalies eyelids lowered slightly to add more guilt into her hardened expression. She felt awful that she basically had to speak to Adrien as if he was a client of Gabriel and not his son. Gabriel just...could never seem to make time for his own son.

Adrien's saddened eyes fell to the floor and his shoulders lowered, not in a foreign sense whatsoever. "No...it's okay. I don't want to bother him any more than I already have." He mumbled to himself and went to sit down on his pearly white sofa, going back to staring out the bright window that created and displayed the image of freedom that Adrien ever so longed for but could only ever dream of.

Nathalie's heart held out to Adrien, watching him wither more and more into loneliness. If she could, she would try her absolute hardest to help mend the relationship between him and Gabriel. To give the boy an actual father. But, sadly, she had no control over Gabriel's actions nor would he ever hear her out on the matter.

With now her view just being of the back of his head, Nathalie's eyes glanced at him with an expression of sorrow twisted in her thin lips. Glancing at the tablet she had in her arm, she quickly hardened her expression back to her serious facade, clearing her throat to dismiss her presence and walked out of Adrien's room with the door closing behind her with a faint click.

Staring at his reflection in the black TV screen in front of him, Adrien's eyes started shining with fresh tears. Tears that he's possibly felt a million times over but never kept track of. He was quick to wipe them away before they had a chance to fall. The last thing he needed was for anyone to possibly come back into his room at the last minute and see he was crying. That would only make the despondency and dejection he felt in his heart even worse.

Why can't he ever just- Why can't he- Why...?

Adrien's thoughts were going in a million different directions, almost giving him a headache. He wasn't ever exactly sure how he should've felt about his father in moments like this. Angry? Sad? Disappointed? Rejected? Anything he decided was appropriate to feel just ended up feeling like a jab at the dismissal Adrien's always feeling from his father. A jab that was unnecessary wouldn't do anything to fix his current situation. One that wouldn't affect anyone other than himself and therefore he rendered it useless.

If only he had control over his own life. A prayer he asked every day.

But, suddenly, a light bulb went off in Adrien's mind. His head perked up and he was met with a bright idea that suddenly became the remedy for his loss of hope. An idea that, while it could possibly get him into the biggest of troubles with his father, the reward was more valuable to him than whatever risk there was.

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