Run Away

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*SEMESTER IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!! I HATE CODING WITH A FIERY PASSION!!!!! Anyway sorry for being offline for so long... Ehe~ 

Pinned onto a coffin and dumb-folded, the man on top of you smiled with excitement to have finally caught his prey. 
"What kind of expression will you make then?" 
You looked straight into this man's emerald eyes, frozen in place, unsure what to do. Your body was afraid of the predator in front of you, urging you to stay still, in fear of triggering this man's next action. Yet your head was shouting at you, telling you that if you didn't move now, you would never be able to escape. Ever. 
With all your might, you went against your body's will, mustered every last drop of your strength, and head-butted him. In that fraction of a second, he was shocked, both physically and mentally. He was relaxed and left open, you immediately took that small window of a chance, lifted both your legs, and with all your might, pushed your legs against his stomach, and kicked him against the wall, breaking it and shaking the entire building. 

You felt short of breath, your head was spinning and ringing. You got up and stood there in shock, unsure what to do next. You wanted to say something, but you didn't know what. Should you apologise to him for you actions? Should you mock him for his? Or should you scold him for everything that went down? You didn't know. You were unsure. But when he looked up at you, when your eyes met, you were afraid. You didn't know what you were afraid of, just that you were. So you ran. You ran out of the shop, jumping from roof to roof, and never looked back. 
You didn't know where you were running to. You weren't even sure what you were running from. You just knew that you needed to run. Away from everything. Your head was so clouded, it didn't really matter where you ended up at this point, you didn't even know where you were. 
You think you saw a flash of red pass by the corner of your eyes, you might have heard the sound of a lawn mower ring by your ear, you may have felt the softness of a neatly dressed suit scrap by your arm. But you ran and ran.
By the time you finally stopped to catch your breath, you ended up in the place where it all began. Not where you first realised you were in love with him. Not where you had your first dance with him. Not where you had your first argument with him. Not where you had your first duel with him. Not where you first met him. No. It was long before any of this happened. It was the place where it all began. The origin of both your happiness and misery. 
It was where you lost 'her'. 

You stood in front of a plot of land that had been abandoned. The grass around you had been left unattended and dandelion flowers have started to bloom. It was eerily quiet. Not even the sound of wind could be heard in this desolate place. You haven't been back here since that day. You didn't have the heart to. But you couldn't run anymore. You didn't have the strength to. So you walked forward. Into the building that had been burnt down and bound by vines. 
You wondered if it was the wet air that made it hard to breathe. You wondered if it was the moss covered wet floor that made it hard for you to move forward. You wondered if it was the silence that made your ears ring so loudly. This place was exactly the same as you last saw it. Or at least you think it was, you never really took a proper look that day. There were skeletons left and right where ever you walked, or at least shadows of where they're supposed to be. There wasn't much left of anything in this place. Not that you knew what there was to begin with. 

Step by step, you walked towards the back of the building and pushed away the overgrown vines to reveal the trapdoor hidden underneath. There were stairs that lead you deeper underground, but you didn't need a light to guide your way, you were all too familiar with this path downwards into darkness. You pushed yourself to go down the stairs. When you had finally reached the bottom, you found yourself standing in front of room filled with chains. There were bloodstains everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, even on the ceiling. There were several shadows of rotting skeletons that laid in the middle of the room. They belonged to several grown adults. Most of the bloodstains stemmed from them. They were holding several weapons in their hands, though all of them had now been degraded and rotten beyond repair.

This was where you fulfilled her final wish. This was where you lost her. This was where you lost everything. But this wasn't where she was now.
You headed back up the stairs, the sun shone brightly in your eyes and it hurt quite a bit. After a few sneezes, you made your way behind the building, where the sun shone the brightest and dandelions bloomed the most. There was a pile of stones, stacked up neatly in front of a large bump of dirt, about the size of a young teenage female. You cleaned up the area a bit and snapped off the stems of a few flowers around you and made a small bouquet. Gently placing the flowers down in front of the stone pile, you kneeled down in front of it. You faintly heard the sound a young girl's laughter and felt her arms around your shoulders.

But she wasn't here either. And you know you could probably never go to where she is. 
You wanted to say something, but you couldn't bring yourself to. You wanted to apologise, but you didn't think you had the right to. You wanted to tell a joke or two to ease her worries, but you didn't have the heart to. 
'... hey... what should I do...?' 
She would always be next to you when you needed an answer. She would be there to tell you what to do and give you the strength to do it.
You wanted her to listen to you rant about your day. You wanted her to tell you that what you did wasn't wrong. You wanted to hear her laugh at how you kicked your crush in the stomach and ran away. You wanted her to tell you that everything would be okay. 
'I want to see you...' But did you have the right to? 
You just knelt there. How many hours had passed? Maybe days even. You weren't sure. You just knew that the sun was down and the moon was up. You wanted to stay longer, but you knew you couldn't. There was work to be done. 
Your legs were numb but you mustered the strength to pull yourself up. After giving one last look, you turned and left. 

'See you.'

*Don't worry you'll know more about Y/N's backstory later, i think

I Hate that I Love You (Undertaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now