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*Author's note; Warning you that there's gonna be swearing and cringe scenes ahead so turn back if you're allergic to those. Also maybe a bit ero?

"He he he! Hello little one! would you like to join me for a cup of tea?" 
Upon hearing his voice and seeing his hair-covered face, you instinctively turned around to run away in full speed. But before you could even take a step forward after facing the other way, he caught you by your shoulder laughing. Before you even realised, you were already dragged into the parlour and had started dancing to waltz music playing from a phonograph placed on one of his coffins. 

You lost count of how many songs you had already danced to, while hearing his maniacal laughter as cackled in amusement seeing your puzzled and confused expressions, or listening to his random gossip about paranormal rumours or entertaining stories he heard on the streets. 
He was still as good as dancing, and fighter, as ever, never once had he let his guard down and diligently maintained his roll of taking the lead. Not that you cared, you just want to get away from him and anything related to him. He didn't have any openings and there weren't any clear escape routes either.
Time flew by very slowly as you listened on to his rambling, a few hours must have passed before you heard that waltz play. When it started playing, he suddenly dropped what ever topic he was talking about and happily looked towards the phonograph, as if he had been waiting for its arrival. Knowing him, he probably saved it for last and had something he wanted to tell you.
As you impatiently waited for him to open his mouth that had been silent for about thirty seconds and start talking, he noticed you staring intensely at his face and chuckled at your serious face. Angered, you pierced his hand and shoulder with your nails as a warning. 
When he finally calmed down from your threats, it looked like he was finally ready to talk. 

"I've been thinking about the answer to your question."
That's nice... If only you remembered what you asked him previously that is. 
"... You asked me you were a hypocrite for hating him for lying to and leaving you even though you've also hid things from him yourself."
"Right! That. So?" 
Leaning forward and pulling you closer, he put his hand on your right cheek and told you, "Yes, you are a hypocrite."
Well, thanks for reminding me. I see you're just as talented in pissing others off as ever? You- It took every last bit of your will power to refrain yourself from cursing out loud at him. 
"But I don't see anything wrong with that."
"Huh?" His response surprised you. That was probably the last thing you expected to hear after he called you a hypocrite.
"Life is full of contradictions, everyone is prone to hypocrisy one way or another. In fact, it is an important part of growing. Just because you're one among the many hypocrites in this world, doesn't make you any less of the person you are. Just because you're a liar, doesn't make you any less important to people who care about you. Because people like you who show kindness, can brighten up another's day just by smiling. And that's all they need. Their light, their hope, their everything. It wouldn't matter in the slightest if you were hypocritical or not."
He carefully brushed your hair behind your ear, he seemed to avoid your eye contact and stared at the earring he gave you, dangling from your ear. 
"I'm sure you were, and still are, that person's treasure. I'm sure he deeply regrets hurting you. And I'm sure he knows that you have every right to hate him for what he has done. But I'm also sure the last thing he would have wanted was for you to hate yourself, and lose your smile because of that." 
He suddenly retracted his hand and cackled, "Of course that's just my opinion, pay me no mind!"

Something started burning in your chest, your mind started to become clouded with rage. What was in his mind as he gave that speech? What was he thinking of? Who was he thinking of?So many thoughts consumed you, you were at your breaking point. How can all these years of loneliness and hatred, possibly be forgotten just because of one stupid speech? But what infuriated you most, is that if he truly meant everything he said then,
"Then why did you leave?"
"... Pardon?" His eyes seemed to have widened with shock and bewilderment. 
"If I was that important to you then why did you leave?"
"Little one, I think you're mistaking me with someone else-" Backing away from you, he hurriedly came up with an excuse to deny his identity. But you were too livid to care for his excuses, and reached for his fringe. He instinctively leaped backwards and barely avoided your hand by just an inch. 
You scoffed, "Ha! Say the one not letting me see his eyes."
"Little one, that is-"
He was still trying to making excuses, was he trying to pretend that nothing happened? You stormed into him as he avoids you. "I knew!! I always knew!!!" You couldn't care less about the consequences any more, you were just so pissed off at the person in front of you, that you poured your heart out.
"Don't you get it?!! I knew from the beginning who you were!! I knew that you'd become some psychopath that brings the dead back to life!!!" 
"I tried so hard to make you stay, but you just left me behind!!" Was 'she' that important to you?
"In the end, all I gained from years of working with you was so shitty love story that never worked out!!" Was it that easy for you?
"If I was SOOOO important to you, then why'd you leave me behind?!" Was everything a lie? 

Did I mean nothing to you?

At that moment, all those years of loneliness and anger came bursting out. All that time you spent hating him, all that time you spent waiting for him. Was everything meaningless? Was it all for naught? You screamed your heart out, at the one who told you he'd always be on your side, at the one who left you all alone, at the one you gave your heart to. 
"Wait... just a second..." he stuttered. Was it because it was your first time shouting at him? It took him a while to process his next sentence. "You... love me?" 
This dumb as shit- "OF COURSE I DO YOU IDIOT!!! You gave me my name!! You gave me company!! You gave me a reason to live to tomorrow!! HOW COULD I NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU, YOU SORRY EXCUSE OF A REAPER?!!!"

By the time you had realised what you had said, it was already too late. Even though you promised yourself to lock everything away and never tell anyone, in the heat of the moment you revealed everything. You felt so ashamed, you didn't dare look him in the eyes and turned your head away. 
Stunned by what he had just heard, his hand covered his mouth in amazement. "My dear... I..."
You wanted to run away, you didn't have the heart to face him. "Forget it... Not like it matters anyway."
You turned around towards the door to leave the parlour, and never look back. But then, he grabbed you by your arm, turned you around to face him, put his hands behind your head and waist, pushed you into his chest, and stole your first kiss. 

"?!?!?!!!" Flustered and confused, you used all your might to push him away from you.  "What the hell do you think you're doing?!!"
He just lifted his bangs, revealing his emerald eyes and laughed. "Ha ha ha...! My dear... Your blushing face, is just as adorable as I remember."
It wasn't until he pointed it out that you realised that your face was burning and your eyes were on the verge of tears. He had the most satisfied smile on his face, as if he had been holding back for centuries. You retreated backwards with disbelief, your right hand covering your face and your left in front of you creating distance. 
Unfazed, he approached you again, "I wonder what will happen, if I push you down like this, made a mess of you, and devoured you completely?"
He untied your hair, and with one hand grabbed both of yours and pushed you down, forcing you to lie down on a coffin with both your hands in confinement. His legs locked yours in between his and his hair flowed down onto your waist.  
His narrowed eyes looked straight into yours that were widened with disbelief. He seemed so proud and pleased to finally have you within his grasp. He grinned with excitement. 

"What kind of expression will you make then?"

I Hate that I Love You (Undertaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now