"I'd never get rid of you Nines... not even if Connor asked me to... you've been listening to these this whole time... with emotions." You said pointing towards the voice recorder and Nines nodded in response. "Why?"

"Because I thought I could keep my emotions at bay... because I did not want you to listen to them, but I cannot do it anymore, Y/N. I just cannot do it anymore." Nines told you his voice cracking as he spoke, he then began shaking his head repeatedly. "It's okay, Nines, you don't have to. Okay I'm not going to make you." You reassured him as you leant forward in your chair and grabbed both sides of his face and run your thumbs over his cheeks. "What was on this one?"

"I do not... I do not..."

"It's okay, don't worry... it doesn't matter... are you okay?" You asked him while rubbing his cheeks, softly.

"No... I am not okay..." Nines mumbled to you, his eyes holding their gaze with yours.

"Do you need a proper hug?" You asked him watching as his eyes filled with emotion that he knew he could finally show you. "I would like that..." Nines replied making you let go of his face, but before you could stand up and ask him to stand too you were pulled from your chair by Nines.

He pulled you towards him as he lifted your legs so you were now sat on his lap, Nines wasted no time in burying his face into the side of your neck, while both of his arms wrapped around you. 'I'm sitting on his lap... and he's a Deviant...' You thought to yourself as you shook your head trying to rid yourself of those thoughts. Nines needed you right now.

"It's okay, Nines... you don't have to be afraid to show emotions anymore... you're safe with me..." You reassured him as you ran one of your hands through the back of his hair, his grip on you tightened at your words. "They made them scream more, Y/N... they cried out for each other... I-I heard them die..." Nines admitted to you and you felt your heart break that he was the one who had to listen to that.

"Shh, don't think about it... just think about now... okay?" You told him and you felt him nod into the side of your neck, your emotions didn't matter to you right now.

Nines had been holding these in this whole time, trying to convince everyone he was still the unfeeling Android. But he wasn't. Things were now starting to make complete sense to you, the changes that you thought were him slowly Deviating were actually the result of him being a Deviant already. Everything he had said and done he meant. He cared about you and he really did mean that.

The incident in the interrogation room was his anger getting the best of him, he wanted to defend you because he cared. You felt stupid for not knowing that it was because he was actually a Deviant. But then he was obviously good at hiding it, no one else guessed.

"I am glad that you are not mad at me..." Nines mumbled into your neck and you raised an eyebrow to his words, you were mad at him obviously. Yet it didn't matter to you right now, you could be mad at him later. "I am mad at you... you broke a promise but that doesn't matter right now. Only you matter." You told Nines who pulled his face from your neck and looked up at you with sad eyes.

"Are you going to kick me out?" Nines asked and the fear his voice was so obvious now, he knew he could be who he really was around you. "No, I'm not... I might kick your ass later though." You joked trying to lighten the mood, while brushing your fingers through his hair still.

"I will take that over being kicked out... I cannot be without you... I am confused..." Nines admitted, every time he said something you could tell that he had been holding everything back and he may not have just Deviated but it seemed like he had because he'd only just accepted it. "It's okay, I'm going to help you through this... you won't be confused forever. I've got you, Nines." You reassured looking down at him, his eyes filled with a vulnerability you'd never seen on anyone. Not even Connor seemed this vulnerable.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now