Episode 2: Saving people who save people (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Kai: well, I can say stick powers is on the list. I'll just leave it like this.

Oliver: oh man, yesterday was so cool, I can't believe save the people who Save people, plus with Kai getting Powers, is a whole new level of joy.

Kaz: you should trade mark that, I would totally by that shirt.

Kai: I sure would, and I would be a superhero on top with and medical sign on it.

Jordan: (comes around the corner) sooo, you guys find anything cool?

Kaz: (nervous laugh) like what, a hospital for...

Kai: (covers his mouth) For comic fans, that really are way too into it and the need psychic help?

Jordan: No, I meant for our found objects robot? Now this is a all day project so please keep Gus under control all day.

Kaz: don't worry, we won't let him anywhere near you.

Gus: (goes by Jordan and sniffs all around here) New shampoo?

Kai: (looks at Kaz) Had to jinx it, didn't you?

Jordan: (disgusted) No. it's bug replant and obviously it's not working.

Gus: anyways, you ask for found objects and I found this in my room...

Kai: (whispers) please don't be a dead fish.

Gus: (pulls out money from his pocket) 500 dollars in small bills. My parents give me money instead of attention.

Oliver: (grabs something out of his pocket) excuse us for a minute.

Kaz and Olivier go to leave but look behind and see me still standing by where I was and try to gesture me to come over but I point to my sticky fingers problem and so they come back and turn me facing them in a corner.

Oliver: (whispers) okay let me catch you up to speed, see when you were at home, we got communications that connects us to mighty med, (pass one to me and I take it) and right now they need us at the hospital, what do we do?

Kaz: (whispers) we have to go i mean it's an opportunity of a lifetime.

Kai: (whispers) he's right, but we'll need a excuse to leave.

Oliver: (whispers) follow my lead. (Goes back to Jordan and Gus) hey Kaz, Kai and I have to take off for a bit.

Jordan: What?! You can't go, you guys promise to help me on this project.

Oliver: I know, we'll be back soon, we just have to umm...

Kai: (think's quick) get the robot supply's from his grandmother house.

Oliver: that's right we have to go to my grandmother's house to get the supplies for our robot.

Kaz: right we gotta go, see ya.

As kaz try to pull us away, we're pull back dude to my sticky hands, and they decide to help, with all strength well except for Oliver's, we were able to get my hands free but slight problem, my hands were now stuck to the locker door, and noticed Jordan and Gus saw we run as fast as we can and never turn back but still heard Jordan say this.

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