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After a night of sleeping on it, I still find it hard to decide. Sidney has lost everyone...everyone. What would me leaving her do? Would she see me as a traitor? I mean Stu tried to kill her too. I love him though, I've never been a true believer of true love but Stu...he makes me feel like I'm not in a horror movie but rather a romcom.

Sidney's strong though, of course she would be okay. She was okay after the first series of ghostface murders. Maybe it was time for me to be selfish and choose Stu.

Maybe we can change our hair, use contour to hide, find a place where no one knows us or what he's done. I'm sure they have no clue who we are in Paris, Texas. I wonder what Stu's game plan is. Does he want to run for the rest of our lives? It's stupid to go with him. But that doesn't mean I don't want too. I miss being carefree and having fun, I haven't had true fun since the night Billy and Stu were revealed.

I think I have to go with Stu. The life I'm living isn't where I'm supposed to be with him, I can just feel it. If I'm not meant to be with him then I'm not meant to be anything. He completes me...I used to think I'd never need a man but I think truly obsessive love can change that.

I roll over in the bed as I check the clock, the sun is rising. 6am. I was to tell Stu my answer today, I hope he's happy with it. I hope he needs me as much as I need him.

When I get out of bed, finally, I get dressed in a comfortable outfit. I begin to pack, I wasn't going to desert all my prized possessions. I had two suitcases to fill up. I put my favorite clothes and my most valued items, like first editions of my father's books and Stu's necklace that I had taken from his house years ago, in one suitcase. The other one held my daily essentials, things like my makeup and hair dryer.


I rush to the phone, not sure if I want it to be Stu or not.

"Abi, hey." I heard Sidney's voice say.

"Sid, hey! What's up?" I try to sound normal but if I don't she will just chop it up to me being shaken up from last night.

"I just wanted to check in...last night was..." She trailed off, this kind of thing was harder for her than me. She had more familiar ties with ghostface.

"Yeah, it was a lot." I laughed, awkwardly.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh me? Sid, you know me. I'm always fine." I paused, "How are you?"

"I'm...I'm managing. I just want this all to be over. It's not fair. I just don't get why it has to be us...call me selfish but I wish it was someone else." She spoke softly in the phone.

"Yeah, but sometimes you just have to deal with the cards you're dealt, Sid." I tried to comfort her. I really didn't have time for this, today of all days. I felt bad for her...but I didn't really care. She's been through a lot but so has Gale and Dewey. They were more the type who seemed like they wanted to talk to Sidney about this. She knew I was quiet about this kind of stuff. The only people I ever talked to about how I really felt was Casey, Aunt Calista, and well Stu and Casey is dead.

Holy shit. I had forgotten about Calista. I don't think she would be mad at me for following the guy of my dreams, she always liked Stu. I don't blame her for that, he was perfect besides the murdering.

"I know," she sounded like she was on the verge of breaking down. "Hey, do you wanna come and hang out with me while I'm at the hospital? Dewey and Gale are both in surgery." She asked, she was hopeful.

"Sid, I'm sorry but the last place I want to be is the hospital." I quickly made up a lie.

"Of course...it's fine." She paused, "Hey, you did hear about um Randy, right?"

"He's dead." I said coldly, I had no clue what she was getting at.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, Abi. I know how you guys were doing better now...I'm sorry our lives are so fucked, you and him were perfect for each other." She tried to comfort me, I think that she thought that I was sad.

"I'm fine, Sid. Really. I'll get over it." The other line began ringing, I hoped it was Stu to save me from this awkward conversation. "Hey, I gotta go. I'm getting a call from the other line."

"Yeah, talk to you later?"

"Sure. Sid?"


I wanted to leave her with a message if this was my last time talking to her before leaving with Stu. "I love you. Sid, you are so much stronger than you think you are. I know it feels impossible right now, but you're gonna get through this."

"Thank you, Abs. The same is true for you. I love you, bye." She concluded the conversation and a tear trailed down my face. I wanted to leave but didn't at the same time.


I immediately answered the interrupting ringing. "Hello?"

"Hello, buttercup." The familiar voice effect box over Stu's voice rang threw my ears.

"Hello, handsome." I giggled, "Are you ever not gonna use the voice thing?"

"That depends...do you like it, Absinthe? How does it make you feel?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, I knew he was trying to get a reaction out of me.

"Hmm, maybe I like it sometimes, but your real voice does indescribable things to me." I teased back.

"Does it really, Princess? I'll do whatever you like better." He chuckled.


"Of course, I'd do anything to make you happy." I smiled in response, I knew he couldn't see it tho. "Hey, are you still my scary movie flick chick?"

I laughed a genuine laugh. "Of course, was I ever not?"

"God, I missed your laugh. I could listen to it forever...and ever and ever and ever." I blushed in response. "So, real talk...have you made a decision? about what you're doing?"

"Uh yeah I have..." I paused, "I think I want to go with you. I don't know what that entails but I know I want to be with you, no matter what."

He let out a breath that you could tell he was holding in for a while, "Abi, you have no idea how happy I am that you said that."

I giggled, just hearing him made me happy. "Okay, so what's the game plan, Stu? I mean you're a criminal on the run, how do I come into this?"

"Do you like road trips?"


"Good, I'll pick you up outside of you're dorm at sundown. Bring your stuff and say your goodbyes but don't tell people where you're going. We can't have anyone catching onto us, Buttercup." He told me the plan. I smiled because I couldn't believe that I was really leaving with the love of my life. 

"Okay, sundown?"

"Sundown."  He hung up right then.

I laughed as I jumped around my room like a little girl. Maybe this was my happy ending. It might not be the most perfect or the most stable but I would be happy...finally. No more killing, no more trauma, no more ghostface...

₂ 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora