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Choices. They are what we decide make them. Once they are made, you can't take them back. I wish every choice I've ever made was erased, maybe I wouldn't be in this situation.

Maybe I would be that perfectly normal girl who had her life made out for her. She would still have her parents and her best-friend by her side. She would have the perfect jock boyfriend who loved her for her. She would have harshly bleached, fake blonde hair and two well behaved golden retrievers. She would never have to make a choice because her parents had already pre-planned her life. There would be no twist and turns, nothing out of the ordinary. Her parents already decided her college, something ivy league. She would study medicine, become a pediatrician or she would venture from the norm and do something "crazy" just so she could feel like she was in control of her life and try journalism. She would get a job at the local newspaper of her small hometown, become the top writer. After college, she would get married at twenty-three to her high school sweetheart that stuck by her side throughout school and have kids by twenty-six, two boys and one girl. Her husband would adore her, the way a husband should care for her. The kids would see her as their role-model. The kids would go to daycare during the day and come home at four pm to their white picket-fenced house. Her life would be set, she would have had the american-dream life. She would have been successful. She would die peacefully on the large porch of her home in a white rocking chair after her kids visit with their children and stories of their "wild" lives.

Unfortunately for me, I look bad with blonde hair and I'm a cat person so that life is out of the picture for me. Though it would be much easier to have that dream life. There would be no major trauma. I would be fine, I would be normal. Just a plain and simple teenaged girl, no crazy serial killer madness. Not in love with a serial killer...you win some you loose some. That's my new motto, honestly. I have won before but I've also lost a lot.

The decision was still to be made but it was late and the comfortable bed was screaming out for me.

₂ 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora