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"So, let's just assume that the killer or killers are planning their next.." The phone rang and interrupted Gale, "Hello? I'll have to call you back."

As the reporter was hanging up, Absinthe showed up and sat down on Randy's jean-clad thigh. "Hi, baby." He said with a smile on his face. His smile always made her happy, no matter the situation. She had decided not to bring up the fact that he never dated anyone other than her, even when they were broken up. She felt bad about it though, but kind of happy because now she knew that he would love her no matter what she did. Abi didn't wanna push her luck though.

They kissed as Joel, the cameraman, sharpened a stick. He looked bored. "So what's skankzilla doing here?" Abi asked her boyfriend and her surrogate big brother. She didn't believe in slut-shaming but she used every insult in the book on Gale.

Randy stifled a laugh but Dewey came quickly to Gales defense, "Abi, she's trying to help." Gale then hung up the phone.

"Abi." Gale smiled.

"Gale." Abi raised her eyebrow at the older woman.

"Well, that doesn't make sense, Sidney wasn't killed in Woodsboro." Dewey got the conversation back on track.

"Well, at least not for a lack of trying. The killer is trying to finish what Billy and Stu started." Randy gripped Abi a bit tighter, he wanted to always protect her from them. 

"Well, it was under her protection, right?" The phone rang again. "Hello? Tell Bob, I'll call him back!" Gale yelled the last part into the phone.

"When did she start smoking?" Dewey asked the coupled-up college kids.

"Ever since those nude pictures on the internet." Abi smiled.

"It was just my head, it was Jennifer Aniston's body!" Gale paused for a second, "Look, there were more victims: Tatum, my cameraman, Himbry..." She trailed on, knowing she hit a personal topic when she saw Abi and Dewey look down in sadness at the mention of Tatum's name.

"Now hold up for a second there, I don't need to be hearing about some dead cameraman. Listen, I am a verb away from vacating these premises." Joel got offended by Gale bringing up her old cameraman, Kenny. "I'm gonna tune you all out now!"

"He seems mad," Abi said.

"Damn right!" Joel yelled.

"Don't worry about him! If the killer is trying to copycat, who's next?" Gale reasoned.

"I wouldn't copycat any killer, we all were involved in Woodsboro," Dewey said.

"So what do you want to do about it bonehead? Just want to sit and see who drops next." Gale got more and more frustrated.

"Well, I don't know bonehead!" Dewey said as Abi laughed at his recycled insult.

Gale's phone rang again and Randy took it, "Gale's not here!"

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I? You guys look deep in thought. Have you ever felt a knife tear through flesh and scrape the bottom of the bone beneath?" The voice said. Abi heard it, as she was near the phone.

"It's him," Abi said. "The killer, it's him. He can see us," Dewey's eyes widened. The group looked around, even Joel.

"Just keep him on the phone," Dewey demanded of Randy, Abi was trembling.

"What do you want me to say?" Randy covered the receiver.

"I don't know, just keep him talking. Come on Gale." Dewey and Gale rushed off.

"Here, I'll talk," Abi said and Randy handed the phone over. Joel got up and looked around too. "Uh hi, what's your favorite scary movie?"

"They'll never find me." He laughed at the phone.

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