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"Thank you for your time. We'll be ready for you in a second Hallie." The officer walked out with Mickey. Sidney, Abi, and Randy were already interrogated by the officers so they were sitting on the uncomfortable hospital bench.

"I'm gonna get some coffee, you wanna go with me." Hallie asked Mickey, who nodded 'No.' "Does anyone one wanna come with me?" She asked the group on the bench, the girls quietly said no.

"I'll come." Randy got up and they started walking away, Mickey took the seat next to Sidney.

"How are you guys holding up, are you ok?" Mickey asked, Abi glared at him. She knew Sidney was overthinking about this and Abi wasn't in the mood to hear about how it's all Sidneys fault.

"Not at all. I knew that this coming, I knew that this wasn't over." Sid rambled, "To be honest, I don't even know if it was Billy and Stu," Abi put her head down when she mentioned Stu. "Or if it's just some sick copycat fuck. I just wish they wouldn't have gotten away two years ago. I go on scared to live my life because of them." Sidney went on. Abi rolled her eyes and looked away from Sidney.

"You both know you're not alone," Mickey said with a gentle smile.

"Too bad for Cici though. She was cool enough." Abi changed the subject.

"That poor girl."

"Yeah, I know." Mickey looked down.

"Well, life is unfair. You could either kill yourself or get over it." Abi shrugged at the words her Dad told her from a young age. He thought he didn't put too much damage on her but in all actually she was a raging nymphomaniac with extreme daddy issues and a burning love for a on-the-run, deranged serial killer, you decide how much his words and actions affected her. 

The world had labeled her as a whore because she always had some type of arm candy, the people she got involved with ranged from older women to older men. When she wasn't with Randy, she went for someone much older. They usually had money and an amazing sex drive, which was all she needed. Abi didn't necessarily like her labels but she was proud of her labels though, they were honest and she always loved honesty and she would be damned if she was gonna cry over a label from someone other than herself.

There was a long pause, Mickey and Sidney knew that was too far but they didn't say anything because they knew Absinthe had no filter. She was just like Stu that way, it made Sidney sad that she could even compare her friend to a psycho killer but she didn't care, similarities didn't mean that Abi would ever do what Stu did. 

"You know, Derek could've been killed too." Sidney broke the silence and looked between her two friends.

"But he wasn't, he needs to realize that the '90s are no time to play the hero. Why would anyone go back into that house?" Mickey said, a bit harshly.

"I agree, heros are so 80s." Abi laughed at how much Mickey reminded her of Stu and went to see how Derick and Dewey were doing.

"So, that's when I ran back into and that's where I met up with the killer. He cut my arm and then ran away." Derick looked between the doctor and the officers.

"You're lucky there's no nerve damage, you'll have to take it easy for a couple of days." The doctor smiled.

"He didn't struggle, nothing, I mean, you're lucky he didn't kill you." Chief Hartley said.

"Yeah, it's really convenient for everybody." Dewey chimed in, Abi set her hand back on his shoulder.

"Say what?" Derick took offense from the snarky comment.

"Nothing, it's just a shame that the killer got away so easy," Dewey said, growing more suspicious of Derick.

"It's just a shame you got there too late, right after he ran away." The tension was building within every second that they were around each other.

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