Chapter 8

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She was breathtaking, no doubt about that. But Jay couldn't focus on on that right now due to the fact that he was freaking out.

So he didn't imagine her, he was glad but also concerned because she kind of also resembled the woman who helped him last night.

"She looks like her, the girl that helped me last night. She looks like her." Jay whispered as Jamari looked over at her again.

"I thought you said you couldn't see clearly, are saying that cause she black?" "What? No. I recognize her hair, and nails." Jay defended as Jamari chuckled in amusement. "She's quite new isn't she?" Jamari noted as Jay nodded in agreement looking her once more.

She was cute, she had black locs that stopped mid back and they were accessorized with crystal jewels that sparkled in the cafe lighting. Obviously a black woman, with skin of deep chestnut brown, addicting, alluring, beautiful.

"Brown skin, you know I love your brown skin." Jamari sang teasing his friend who couldn't stop looking at this woman. Which caused Jay to smack his lips and focus his attention back onto Jamari, "Man shut up."

Just as Jay was about to start going in on his friend, those exact lyrics began softly playing throughout the cafe, causing the two to look at each other in pure bewilderment.

When Jay looked back over at the mystery woman, he saw her head quickly turn away from his direction as she disappeared behind the wall that he assumed led to the back of the building.

"I gotta go." He murmured standing and quickly putting on his coat. "What why? Let's stay, maybe she'll come over here." Jamari battled as Jay hushed him, "Absolutely not, I physically can't do this. Not tonight. You coming or what?" Jay asked as he looked down at his still sitting friend.

When he decided Jamari was moving too slow, Jay quickly finished the rest of his tea, and began making a b-line for the door, only to almost immediately be cut short when he collided with someone.

Hearing a crash, and an audible gasp. He looked down at the coffee mugs that had broken into fragments. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't spill anything on you did I?" A velvet voice rang out, as he looked up at the woman, he instantly took a step back and kneeled down to pick up the pieces with her following suit.

"No, not at all. The apology is mine. I was rushing, not watching where I was going I'm sorry." He admitted as he continued to pick up the pieces.

"Well thanks, for your help I mean." She smiled causing him to do the same. He took a quick moment to study her features as she wiped up the order that looked extremely similar to Jamari and his own.

"No problem, there's nothing on you is there?" He asked as she shook her head no. "Nope I'm all good."

She had a nose piercing each side, and full lips. Her eyes were dark brown and round, one was a bit smaller than the other. He liked that though, it matched her. Even though the smell of pastries and coffee filled the air, the aroma of her perfume continued to dance under his nostrils.

She had a scent of woody vanilla and spice,

"Well, I'm sure you were going somewhere important, if you were hurrying. I can finish this up here." She smiles again causing him to give a sheepish one himself as he set the glass on the tray.

"Yeah—something like that," As he stood he offered a had for her to grab which she graciously accepted. He began heading toward the door once more with Jamari on his heels.
"Excuse my friend, he gets frazzled when he gets nervous. Loses sense of direction and things like that." Jamari began just to tease.

"It's alright," Junni laughed. "I was actually on my way to bring you guys a complimentary order. I know I see you here all the time, but never your friend." She mused with a smile as she stole another glance at Jay.

Jay himself felt like a deer in headlights as he smiled, trying to play it cool.

'Should I say something about last night?' He thought to himself while he continued to look at the girl while she talked.

He really started feeling like a creep just standing there while these two had a conversation, but he couldn't seem to find the words to say, well anything.

"Aw wow, see Jay? I was finally gonna be able to meet the woman who's cafe I've grown to love so much." Jamari piped, as Jay nodded.

"Yeah, my bad. But hey, you finally did get to meet her. Right now, so I guess you do have my hastiness to thank for that huh?" Jay laughed as he swung a friendly arm around Jamari's shoulder.

When his hand came down, it was purposefully rough which caused his friend to cough a bit.

"Well, as much as I would love to stay and chat. I unfortunately have to catch the train, you know how they do, so consider this my goodbye." Jay joked with a friendly smile as Jamari nodded

"Right, right, my bad bro— uh Ms.Junni, it was such a pleasure to meet you and I absolutely love everything you're doing here." Jamari complimented as they began to walk toward the door.

"Thank you, Mr?" Junni paused waiting for him to say his name. "Jamari, my name is Jamari. This is Jay, we're kinda like a two in one package."

That caused Junni to giggle in amusement as she nodded her head. "Okay Mr. Jamari and Mr. Jay, thank you for your support and kind words."

"Sorry again!" He called as he pushed open the door.

"No worries love, have a good day!" She responded as he and his friend fully exit the cafe and began walking toward the train station.

"Oh my gosh, that was so embarrassing." Jay whined shaking his head as Jamari cackled. "I don't know, she didn't seem to mind. You didn't see her, but she was beet red the entire time. Especially her ears."

"Really?" Jay asked a crooked smile making its way onto his face, "Who knew you were down with the brown?" Jamari teased as Jay's smile dropped.

"I been down what you mean!"

"I been down what you mean!"

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