Chapter 1.

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'Two choices Jay!, My way or the highway!' Always seem to wriggle their way back into his mind at the worst possible times. He'll never be able to get rid of them no matter how hard he tries, and trust he's tried. Jay closed his eyes and took a deep breath, though the louder the music got the heavier the pounding in his head became.


"Yo Jay, you good man!?" A voice rang out as a hand came down on his back making the headache worse, great. "Yeah- I'm fine I just, I'll be right back!" He heard his friend scream a 'What?!' But he didn't respond and quickly began pushing past people in the crowded loft area. When he made it to the bathroom he reached for the knob but to his dismay, it was locked. "Come on man I gotta piss!" He yelled wiggling the doorknob. "Clearly this one is occupied, use the one downstairs!" He heard a male voice yell followed by a woman's giggle.

Turning his back to the door he rolled his eyes in frustration, though he wishes he hadn't because that made the voice come back. "Ji-Hu!" was loud, shrill and completely nerve wracking. 'I just need to get somewhere quiet.' He thought to himself as he pushed off the door and began making his way to the exit. The closer he got the slower he began to feel , his heart racing , head aching and breathing slowing by the second. As Jay looked around the dimly red lot room he could see faces, only they didn't look like themselves. They had a cast of darkness on them. Uncanny if you'll call it that. He finally reached for the knob and pushed it open, collapsing into 5r cold December air as he did. He could hear the door shut behind him as he fully hit the ground i longer being able to hold himself up.

"Calm down, just calm down." He thought to himself as he tried to even out his labored breathing, it it seems to just have made it worse. His breathing became shorter and harder causing him to clutch his chest as the bitter December air seemed to attack his throat. "Ji- Hu." A soft voice rang out, though his head was still pounding this one was different. It caught his attention, "Ji-Hu, you have to calm down, take deep breathes. You're okay. I promise you're okay." He didn't feel okay though, it wasn't working. "I'm trying." He gasped clenching his eyes shut, he balled up his fist hitting his chest twice before falling backwards. Suddenly he stopped, everything stopped. The headache, the throat pain even the music. Jay slowly opened his eyes and he could see the snowflakes beginning to fall around him. The silence was peaceful, welcoming even.

'Is this it for me?' He wondered as he could feel the snowflakes hitting his face. 'I'm gonna die here, this young? Alone?' He wondered to himself as he shut his eyes again, pushing the thoughts away. If he was gonna go , he was gonna do it peacefully. He was only 24, still trying to figure out his way in life, he never really knew where he'd be but if this was fate he couldn't fight it.

Warmth filled his body, though it wasn't like before. This was like a hug, he he didn't want to let go of though he had no choice when the bitter December air force filled his lungs again.

Jay bolted upright heaving as he finally could breathe clearly again. As he gulped breaths of air he looked down and noticed a hand that definitely wasn't his own . Adverting his extremely impaired gaze toward the voice of the woman who had been speaking. All he could make out was "Are you okay? Did you take something? Maybe you should go to the hospital."

A string of 'No, I'm fine, no hospitals.' Followed suit and once his vision began to clear he could see just how beautiful she actually was, she opened her mouth to speak once more but was cut off by being pulled away.

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