Chapter 15

326 16 8


May 2 , 2023


Jay smiled to himself as he approached the now familiar apartment where his girlfriend lived, with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Who is it? Junni, it's Junni. In case you were wondering, the two had been practically inseparable since they met all those nights ago and they honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

Now, they were having a hosting night where each friend had to bring a food from their own culture, which in turn meant that Jay had to invite his friends. Not that he had a problem with it, he just had never actually met Junni's friends and vice versa.

He hoped he'd be liked, but found himself worried that he wouldn't.


The apartment door swung open to reveal a beautiful woman who was even more beautifully dressed.

"Hi boo." Junni smiled playfully causing Jay to chuckle as he stepped forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Hey." He replied as he pulled the bouquet of sunflowers, roses and forget me nots from behind his back,

The sight of Junni lighting up as she graciously took the flowers was enough for Jay alone, every moment he got with her he felt inspired, he felt like he could do anything in the world with her by his side.

"Thank you." She smiled softly as he gazed at her adoringly.

"Stop it." Junni grinned beginning to get shy as she pressed her head into his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso. Flowers still in hand.

"Stop what?" Jay laughed hugging her back, though they both clearly knew.

She was shy and he loved it, he loved everything about her as a matter of fact.

"Let me see your outfit you know we gotta do the daily fit check!!" Jay said gleefully as he grabbed his girlfriends hands and took a step back. "What this little old thing? I just grabbed it out of my closet." Junni began joking and posing as Jay hyped her up.

Junni had been wearing a simple, but in her element outfit that also may or may not have been designed by him. It was a pair of oversized denim overalls that had been adorned with sewn on, painted and pressed flowers, little paper airplanes, mushrooms and pretty much everything Junni wanted.

A simple white short sleeve shirt underneath and her slippers, with fuzzy white socks, since she was in the house.

Her hair had been let free so her Afro? Was definitely Afroing, a beautiful 4b, 4c mixture that smelled like strawberries, vanilla and love.

It was her style, and she was absolutely elated when gifted with it upon them celebrating her official acceptance into a new art show that was coming up.

Jay fondly, and easily recalls the sparkle in her eyes when she pulled them out of the gift bag and even the tears that dared to escape as she tried it on.

His heart swells just thinking about it.

They laughed in sync before Junni stepped closer planting a soft kiss on Jays cheek, stepping back and taking a moment to stare into his eyes,

Now it was his turn to get shy.

"What?" Jay asked softly, as Junni smiled.

"I'm really glad you're here. I-." Suddenly she was cut off by the beep of her oven.

"Oh lord, ma biscuts gonna burn." She squeaked before stepping away and quickly rushing to her oven. Jay watched her as he paused for a moment realizing what just happened. They had a moment, where it felt right.

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