"Did I hear you expertly evade Professor Weasley's questions about our trip?" Fig asked once they were by themselves.

"I did, but I don't think she bought it."

"Hm, she is quite clever. I haven't managed to find anything more about that vial yet, but when I do I will let you know. I just wanted to see how you were settling in."

"Well, professor. I'm looking forward to my classes today."

"Yes, Professor Ronen and Hecat are excellent teachers. I'm sure you'll enjoy their classes."

"Professor..." Alayna hesitated before continuing to ask her question. "Did you think I would be sorted into Slytherin?" She had never asked him before despite the amount of time they had spent together before the semester started. Perhaps if she had she wouldn't have been so blindsided.

"Hmmm," Professor Fig considered the question. "It's always difficult to say where a student will be placed, but I must say I wasn't wholly surprised. I think being in Slytherin will help you to fully unlock your potential." Alayna smiled, a little comforted by his words. Everyone kept telling her she was in Slytherin for a reason and the more she heard it the more she was inclined to agree. Perhaps growing up in a little hamlet had prevented her from coming into her personality. 

"Better get going now! Classes should start soon, have a good first day Alayna." Professor Fig smiled at her before walking away. Alayna took a deep breath and looked down at the book in her hands. First class was Charms with Professor Ronen. She used the map inside the field guide to find her way to the Great Hall first to eat a quick breakfast. Then she followed it again to find the classroom. Just outside in the hall was a large statue of a wizard whom she didn't recognize and outside the door to the classroom flew folded paper birds. Alayna walked in to the long classroom. Four rows of desks to the right sat opposing each other across an aisleway. On the walls were written the incantations for various Charms. Already there were several students in the classroom who had claimed their seats. She looked at the available seats, unsure where to go when a voice called out.

"Over here!" She turned to her right and saw a girl with brown skin and curly hair tied back into a bun. She was wearing Gryffindor robes. Alayna smiled and walked over, thankful for the invite. "I've been looking forward to meeting you. I'm Natsai Onai, but everyone calls me Natty." She spoke with an accent Alayna couldn't place as she took the seat beside her on the bench.

"Really? I'm flattered, I'm Alayna Donellan." 

"Of course! I was once a new student like yourself. I used to go to Uagadou but my mother and I moved here a few years ago when she took the position of Divination professor. So I understand how nerve-wracking it can be to start at a new school," Natty smiled. 

"It is...and it hasn't gone as well as I thought it would. I just hope it gets better," Alayna confided. Knowing Natty had also gone through the same experiences she had was comforting and she felt like she could tell her about what she had experienced so far.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but trust me. Things will get easier, just give it some time." Their conversation ended as Professor Ronen began the class. He was very lively and Alayna was surprised by how much fun he encouraged in the classroom. They even went outside to enjoy the weather and practice magic by playing a game. She had a feeling that Charms was going to become one of her favorite classes. 

After class, Professor Ronen spoke to her about some extra assignments he and the other professors would be assigning her to help her catch up in her studies. Alayna wasn't exactly thrilled at the thought of extra work, but she was determined to catch up and do as well as she could. If that meant working harder, so be it.

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