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I've traited Sloth for Pride;
Envy for Wrath;
Greed for Lust;
Humility for Diligence.

Tell me, love of mine:
Did I do it right?
Did I mend your heart
When I stopped being terrified?

Did your frown
Turn into a grin
When you saw blood
Staining my scarred skin?

Do you like how to love myself
I hate the world around us?
Are you glad you'll have me
When you go to Hell?

I don't know if one Sin
Outweighs the next.
I don't know whom I made prouder;
God, or the Devil.

But then again, I never did.
And at last, I can look at you
Knowing that, in the end
We'll meet again.

Silent Songs - A poetry collectionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat