chapter 9

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“Tom we are heading to school!” Bill and Ran headed out and left Tom alone. Tom didn’t have much to do at the house, he didn’t know the password to Bill’s computer, he did a little cleaning than headed out to the range.

“Hey Punz”

“Hey Tom! Purpled is currently using your area.”

“It’s fine I’m in no rush.”

“that tall guy isn‘t with you this time?”

“he has collage with my roommate, so I am alone today.”

“well it’s great to have you back at the range!” Purpled ran over to the pair,

“Tom! I got a few bullseyes that time!”

“great Purp! Well I’ll get to shooting than” Tom handed Punz the money and Punz handed Tom the gun, “I’ll probably shoot a few rounds than head to the café, Purp would you like to come with me?”

“sure! I just need to do some cleaning than clock out! If it’s okay with Luke?”

“of course it is Greyson.”

“sometimes I forget you guys have normal names.”

“we get that a lot, I mean it’s the Three Ps Range and Ponk is the only one who’s actual name starts with a P, Luke and Greyson don’t start with Ps, so we gave ourselves P names.”

“why Purpled and Punz though? I realized I never asked that.”

“I think I have the best puns and the z makes it cooler.”

“z never makes things cooler; I chose Purpled because purple is my favorite color, and my real name is also a color so.”

“that actually makes since, anyway I’ll go shoot” Tom went to his range and shot off a few rounds. Eventually, Tom went back to the front desk, “Purp you ready to grab some coffee? I’ll walk you back here after.”

“Yup! Let’s go!” Sometimes it feels like Tom is a part of their family, doesn’t help that he looks a lot like Greyson and Luke with the blond hair and blue eyes. Tom really feels like they are his siblings, he’s felt this way even before the accident. Purpled and Tom walked down to the small local café and ordered their favorite drinks. After Tom paid he walked Purpled back to the range. “Well Bill should be coming home from class soon; I’ll see you guys later.”

“See ya Tom!”

“thanks for the coffee Tom!” Tom waved them goodbye and headed back home to see Bill watching TV while doing some work on the floor,

“what are you doing on the floor?”

“it’s more comfortable, oh thanks for cleaning up by the way!”

“no problem, I really had nothing else to do here, I just cleaned a bit than headed to the range.”

“right! I forgot! Here” Bill handed Tom a piece of paper,

“FuckYou123? What?”

“It’s my computer password.”

“Amazing password, thanks”

“you can do shit on my computer now, only one rule.”


“under no circumstances look up shit to screw up my search history! I don’t want to have to spend hours clearing bs out of my history.”

“kay” with that Tom headed to his room to crash.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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